Personality clashes when tutoring


Oct 5, 2010
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I let Cristiano Ronaldo tutor my new signing but it ended when they had a personality clash. Now they hate each other and other players are uncomfortable with the conflict going on. I don't think I'll be trying tutoring again, the only time I've had a good response was when I let Fabregas tutor Aaron Ramsey.

I was wondering if there was a way to find out if tutoring between two players would be good or not. What atributes should I look at when choosing? Or are personality clashes just random?

Edit: andddd I just realised I've posted this under FM11 instead of FM10. Someone move this thread please?
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ask to be moved in here mate... :)

On topic:

Tutoring is essential for player development and growth, you need to look at their personalities (tutor and tutee ;)) if one is say Spirited and the other Resolute, they are not going to click well! (or something along those lines)

Determination is the only real thing i like the most about Tutoring, i tend to make sure the tutee just has his Determination stat rise 1st before anything else, if he picks up other great attributes along the way and also picks up some of the PI's then thats great, i also take this into consideration...

then I will mould the player into a similar player on my team...

I would suggest reading through here, this is quite a good guide on tutoring...

also cheack on the personal tab if he is considered a similar player to another player in your squad
Also, as far as I know, you can get a personality clash even if personalities of the two players are similar/same. But the probability of that happening is siginificantly reduced.

I am eagerly waiting for FM 11's new training system!
also cheack on the personal tab if he is considered a similar player to another player in your squad

As City, had Neymar being tutored by Robinho. On his personal tab, it said they were similar players, and by the time Neymar came, he had Robinho as his favorite player. While tutoring, Neymar had a clash with Robinho, now they hate each other, and I'll have to get rid of him.

Only time it happened ^

On the other hand, I had Verratti tutored by Steven Defour, Pastore, and Giulio Migliaccio. He improved as F, mostly on his mental stats and preferred moves. (Ok, technical attributes also, let's just say he DID improve as F)

I guess it depends on the ego of the youngster you are planning to improve. A young player who is already described as the next big thing might not like to be taught by someone else, cause he is 'better' than everybody. Don't know if it works that way, or even if FM is as psychological complete as i'm thinking it is, but imo it's how it works, and, so far, it has worked wonders for me with the likes of Kryvtsov, Kadlec, the already mentioned Verratti and Pablo Mouche.