Peter Rose Williams - Name on everyone's tongue

Apr 7, 2012
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My name's Peter Rose-Williams. I don't really have much going in life. On benefits, 3 children i can't feed or clothe. A rough upbringing in Coatbridge, a small town 10 miles outside Glasgow. With a single parent has affected me greatly in life. As a youngster i watched my mother being beaten up by a drunken and drugged up father. Who is now dead incidently. The shock images still remain in my head to this day, it was 15 years ago now but it's like a huge scar running from head to toe. I got into a lot of bother as a youngster also, smoking hash since I was 11, Getting steaming since I was 10. I was often brought home to my one bedroomed flat by the police after a good night out in some park. Iv'e been in jail for theft, breach of the peace, drunk and disorderly, driving under the influence. I have spent about a year of my life in jail if you add it all up. I'm a shambles of a human being, as my grandparents would say. They had an influence on me when i was younger also. Every time i'd stay over they would both be hammered and would start fights with neighbours and between themselves. It's a pity you can't choose your family.

One thing that did keep me out of bother was the game the whole of Scotland loves, Football. I was pretty decent, I had trials with a few pro youth (academy) clubs in my mid teen years. But turning up stoned or hammered didn't get me anywhere, At Celtic, I managed to get a 6 month trial at under 16 level. One day, i turned up hammered. And the coach new straight away what I had been up too. He made me sleep it off in his car while the others trained, After maybe 3 hours or so when i had sobered up. He ordered me to catch up with my team mates and go into the changing room, after a discussion about the next match's tactics. He let the others leave, but told me to stay behind. He shut the door. And sat down. He sighed, and looked at me with a very serious and angry face. I had known him to be so calm, collected, gentle. This was a side i had never seen to the coach before. He began speaking ...

Look, Son. How dare, How ******* dare you come to training in such a state. It's absolutely ridiculous. I'm really disappointed Peter, I thought you were a lot better than that. If you want to make it in this game, all of this has to stop, the booze, the hash, the all night partying. It's just something you can't do. You remind me of myself when i was your age, thats all i was interested in. Getting pished and getting my hole. But a man, named Jock. Had a word with me, and it changed it my life forever. My faith, and my outlook on life. How do you think i got to where i did son? Eh?, If you do this again, i'll kick yer wee baws n through ye oot the team, awryt. I'll see ye on Sunday son, Get a good couple of days rest. I was speechless. Thanks Tommy. Where my only words.

That was the wake up call. I stopped all the booze, the hash, the parties. Immediately. In school, I got my head down and started to learn a few things. Despite the fact i was never very clever in the first place, I put in a reasonable effort. I'm so thankful to Mr Burns for that. When i was 21, He passed away after a long battle with skin cancer, which finally got the better of him. My hero, My inspiration. I was never good enough for Celtic, but he showed me the way to live life in a proper manner. I couldn't handle it, him being gone, that's when the booze, the hash. All of that re-entered my life in a flash. I found myself lying in bins in Lidl carparks. Alleys in Alloa. Booze had ****** me once again. It was my only friend, it took away the pain, it drowned my sorrows. I couldn't handle being a failure. Flashbacks of that talk with Tommy suddenly skelped me. What the **** was i thinking, i had let him down. I was an idiot, who blamed his unfortunate wellbeing on a hard childhood. I had to sort myself out, Football was the only thing I knew in life. I could use this to my advantage, a scout, a coach, or even a manager.

This was it, no more booze or drugs. EVER. My life had to be sorted out, and fast. That very moment the thoughts crossed my mind, i dashed out the front door. Heading towards the internet cafe across the road. I googled. Coaching courses in Scotland. And the top link, was for Largs coaching courses. This is where Villas Boas, Neil Lennon, Ally McCoist had all gained their badges. I printed an application form, and at the cost of 2 weeks benefits. I was about to fulfill my dream. The day came, I got a bus up to Largs, i had never been out of Glasgow before, Scotland has such amazing scenery, Already i was appreciating life much more.


I arrived at the pitches where the course took place, application in hand. I gave it to a guy i'd seen on the news before. I went for a quick **** before i made my way out to the pitches. In the toilet, a few familiar faces stood before me. Paul Hartley, who recently got the Alloa job, Barry Nicholson, who plays down south somewhere, and David Barron, A St. Mirren player, who i'd played with at Celtic. They looked bemused as to why a rough looking drunk was in the same lavatory as them, a quick hello and i nipped out as soon as i could. I was assigned to a group of under 17's. Garnlack Athletic their name was. A really talented bunch. Before i even got the training underway. I said the same words to those boys as Tommy Burns said to me at their age. The talk was over and it was time to get business underway. I started them off with a slight warm up, and got the basic stretches out of the way. I gathered the boys in. Possession, Pos
session, Possession. The only words i spoke, i got a 7-a-side match going, Possession is the object of the game as well as scoring in my opinion, with a high tempo. As the course went on, the brighter my ideas got. I grew in confidence also. To pass these badges. it was up too the players. They were to give feedback on how they feel i handled myself throughout the session. I spoke to a few and they were impressed and seemed to really enjoy the session. I returned home to Coatbridge and had to wait a few weeks to hear the results, Garnlack Athletic Under 17's had my future in their hands ...


RIP Tommy Burns, My Hero!
Great start mate. It's obvious you have put a lot of effort in and I hope you continue with it - potentially a great read!
A week passed and it was "d-day". This letter would make or break me. I hope to god i passed the course. I tried my hardest, put my heart out to those lads. The least they could do was tell the SFA officials I was good enough to manage on a bigger stage. The postman usually arrived about 10am each Thursday morning. So at 8am i planted a seat in front of the door and waited and waited for the letterbox to flap up. I was so nervous, my girlfriend thought i was insane. She even brought me my breakfast over and gave me the paper to read. But i barely looked at it as my concentration was solely on the letterbox. I heard the lift open, footsteps seemed to approach my door at a fast pace. False Alarm. It was the next door neighbour. I looked at my phone. 8:06am. This was going to be a long couple of hours. For what seemed like hours was only 6 minutes. I got bored very quickly, the paper was ****. Nothing interesting at all, a cat saved from a tree. How is that news!?

I must have fallen asleep, i looked at my phone. 10:59am. I jumped up, knocking the chair over which incidently landed on my dog. On the coffee table, lay a stack of letters. WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKEN ME UP?! I scrambled through the letters. Bills. Bills. Eviction Warning. More Bills. WHAM ! There it was. A big SFA stamp on the top right corner of a white envelope. I ripped it open without hesitation. I unfolded the letter, it was a booklet, of mostly nonsense. I looked at the last letter, here it was, the moment of truth...


Dear Mr Peter Rose-William

I would like to inform and congratulate you on successfully completing the UEFA A coaching badges ....

Thats all i read, i put it down. And let go a huge yelp. YEEEEEESSS!!. The next door neighbour immediately smashed the wall from his side showing he wasn't happy with my reaction. But i was sure to be the most happy man in the world, or at least Coatbridge, at that moment in time. I skimmed through the rest of the letter. It was a double sided sheet. The other side held this information :

We would like to inform of you of current vacancies at clubs around the world :

Albion Rovers (Scotland)
Hoffenheim (Germany)
England (First Team)
Rwanda (First Team)
Serbia (First Team)
(First Team)
Senegal(First Team)
Mogi Mirim (Brazil)
Hereford (England)
Notts. County (England)

We would like to wish you all the best for your future in management.

2 teams stuck out for me, Albion Rovers. Who's stadium was only 40 seconds from my flat. And Hereford. A league 2 side from England. Not the best 2, but you have to start somewhere. I nipped out, and sprinted down 14 flights of stairs. and another 30 seconds to the Albion Rovers Stadium, the adrenaline kept me going. I was still Buzzing from the news i had just received. I went through the front entrance. And headed over to the secretary. I asked for an application form and she started laughing at me. "Your definitely not qualified" she says. Just as i suspected. I pulled the letter from my denim pocket. And handed it to her, i took a lot of pleasure in seeing her face drop. Cow! She printed me one off and hesitated giving it to me, she looked at me in disgust and basicly through the envelope at me. I gave her a huge sarcastic grin, she through a finger at me. And that was that. I left and once again sprinted home, but i nipped into the bookies before hand as a pen is a luxury in my opinion. And we can't afford luxuries. Adrenaline once again helped me sprint at rapid pace to get home and fill this in. The application form looked like this :



Name - Peter Rose-Williams

Date of Birth - 19.2.1986

Address - Coatbridge Heights
Floor 14
Flat 8
C3P O34

Personal Statement - I am a newly qualified coach with a lot of ambition and very exciting ideas on how to make your club one of the best. I may not have a lot of experience in management but if i'm given the chance i'll promise to be the best. I will create a style of play unseen in Scotland, and something only Barcelona could match. Just kidding, i won't do that. But i will bring success to 'The Wee Rovers'

I hope you deeply consider my application and take it seriously.

Kind Regards

Peter Rose-Williams


Well thats the application form away, there's two months til the new season starts. I'm really nervous about this. God only knows ..
It was June 21st. Still living on these basic benefits. I was getting a little restless and annoyed. It had been a month since my application had been sent away to Albion Rovers. No announcement had been made yet regarding the chairman's decision. I'd been going into the bookies recently. Putting on a few bets on the horses. Won around £300 so far. But i can't can't can't become addicted. Only worse addiction is heroin in my opinion.

Most of my nights have consisted of sitting in the living room alone. With a notepad and the same bookie pen i filled in the application form in, just writing down different ideas. Different training regimes. Set pieces. Style of play. I had it all down, but was all of this a waste of time, I'd filled maybe 17 pages of the notepad. A4 pages at that.I was walking by the Albion Rovers stadium going to the Shopping Centre to pick of some things for the kids dinner. I looked at it, and thought of the possibilities. What could i do with this club? That was the question ringing in my head. Just as i turned away to carry on in my journey to Farmfoods. A hand grappled my shoulder and spun me round all in the same movement. An old grey haired man in a smart suit and tie towered in front of me.


Can i help you?

Your Peter Rose right?



My names Peter Rose Williams

Oh i see, I'm the chairman here, Iv'e seen your application. Fancy popping in for a chat

Of course.

He escorted me into his office, I wasn't really dressed appropriately. An Umbro tracksuit with Kappa trainers isn't really formal. And i believe this meeting was.

Iv'e been waiting for you to pass by for a while now. Your phone seems to be disconnected.

Oh right, I'm really sorry. I sold that to my Uncle, Funds are low you see.
Oh i understand. So well there's nothing to really talk about from your application form. But you say you WILL bring success to my beloved club. How do you intend to do that?

By playing football, good attractive football. I can do that without spending a penny, free agents and loan deals will help me do this. That sounds like a good plan, i'm skint anyway. And the clubs skint. We can't afford any decent talent. You'll have to find a way how to do that, and you'll be making all the decisions. You've got the job Peter. I'll send you a letter concerning wages and clauses and all that jibba jabber. I really need to go, i'll see you soon. GOOD LUCK.

He left, leaving me in his office all alone. I was speechless. I just walked home, casually. It never sunk in. It happened all so quickly . I was bemused, he just gave me the job. Like that, the conversation never lasted 2 minutes. Was this a joke? I even forgot about Farmfoods. I went in, my girlfriend looked at me, confused. Where's the Farmfoods stuff she asked. You blew that money in the bookies, didn't you? I got the job i told her. That shut the ***** up. Oh babe well done, well done babe. I'm so proud. It wasn't genuine, she just wanted the money. I told her to leave, and take her kids with her. After all she told me they weren't mine. Her parents can put up with her. I didn't care about anything now, My dreams had been fulfilled. Time to get to sleep and create new dreams ...

2 days later a contract had been posted to me. For a price of 625 euros p/w for 2 years Albion Rovers had my services. I signed it, and walked down to the stadium with the letter in hand. I gave it to that ***** of a secretary, and she told me to go to Mr Meade's office. There he was, he shook my hand and told me that some press wanted to get a few pictures and ask me a few questions. Then tomorrow i'd get down to business. He gave me my first paycheck in a nice brown envelope and sent me on my way.

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Brilliant story, great humour in it.

Love your username aswell :P