Player Happiness & Conversations

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Feb 27, 2009
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Anyone think these areas of the game are still pretty weak and need more work in future games ?

I have a player who is complaining over lack of competition for places, yet there are 3 players competing for a place in his position, and hes not making the starting 11 anyway.
If I follow players logic and add more competition he would go even further down the Peking order.
Imagine Joel Robles of Everton (clear number 2 to Howard) moaning about lack of competition do Martinez signs another top keeper ???

The conversation system being so limited doesn't help either

Another one of my players was complaining over lack of numbers in the squad, to be fair he has a point but the club has no funds to purchase players and no wage budget to get loans or free transfers.
There was no way in the conversation to portray that message, only thing I could say was assure the player I would strengthen squad (LIE) or just I'm the manager now get out.

I find myself in this position a lot, I have to **** a player off because the conversation system is not deep enough to give you the options to address the situation.
The players seem to act like teenagers going through puberty in the conversations too.

I hope the next FM see's more improvement into the conversation system.
Anyone think these areas of the game are still pretty weak and need more work in future games ?

Of course. It's by far the worst part of FM15. I'm hoping that the people over at SI agree with this, and improve it a lot for FM16.
Of course. It's by far the worst part of FM15. I'm hoping that the people over at SI agree with this, and improve it a lot for FM16.

Me too, everything else about the game I'm pretty happy with, the player conversation system is so limited I often think it would be better to remove it all together if it cant be done properly.
Of course. It's by far the worst part of FM15. I'm hoping that the people over at SI agree with this, and improve it a lot for FM16.

Oh lordy, I just wonder now what they'll completely **** up next time around, though. >.>
What do you think it'll be?
Oh lordy, I just wonder now what they'll completely **** up next time around, though. >.>
What do you think it'll be?

I don't dare to guess, I just hope it's not goalkeepers again.
Probably this part of the game will get big fix in the upcoming patch. I think the game will be very good and even better with the next patch.
Already waiting for, hope it comes out next week.
The conversation system has been similar the last few years, why wasn't it fixed in any of 2013 or 2014 patches.
Any improvements in this area are likely to be in 2016 release if it all.
Player complains I have not registered him for in premier league squad
No option in chat to say I never registered you because you don't have a work permit.
Player throws a fit and wants to leave

I hope they just remove the player conversation system, its just awful.