Player Position & Roles Missing! Please Help!


Dec 23, 2014
Reaction score
All of a sudden my positions and roles (even the new circle and star which shows how comfortable a player is in a position) are showing up blank. When i'm on tactics i cant see any of these things which is making it hard to set any tactics.

Even on player overview the small pitch showing position is displayed but the roles are blank next to this.

I've reinstalled and set my skin to default but this hasnt helped.

If anyone can help it will be much appreciated
I am facing the same problem and I have searched a lot on the net but I haven't been able to find a solution for it. The funny thing is though that my old save works properly. The only new or different thing that I have done in the new save is that I have selected custom databases and name fixes.
might just be a skin error, mine went the other day, but i just re coded the xml (i built my own skin).

have a look at si games and search for a thread by Sharrow (user), there was a panel fix for this before one of the updates the xml's in that thread might work for you .
It's because you have no assistant manager