I thought that this year players are qualified separately for each european competition. I mean a player who played Europa League (or preliminaries) can play Champion's League the same year, and a player who already played in Champion's League 2010/2011 can play Europa League.
But I think it's not ingame, because I bought Hulk with Marseille in January, and Porto didn't play the preliminary rounds for the Champion's League, but I'm still not able to qualify him for the next rounds of Champion's League.
Am I wrong about the rule, or is that just not (yet ?) implemented ingame ?
I thought that this year players are qualified separately for each european competition. I mean a player who played Europa League (or preliminaries) can play Champion's League the same year, and a player who already played in Champion's League 2010/2011 can play Europa League.
But I think it's not ingame, because I bought Hulk with Marseille in January, and Porto didn't play the preliminary rounds for the Champion's League, but I'm still not able to qualify him for the next rounds of Champion's League.
Am I wrong about the rule, or is that just not (yet ?) implemented ingame ?