Players stopped playing to my tactic?


Nov 10, 2011
Reaction score
I'm having some concerns with my tactic currently, I am in my third season with Derby (promoted second season to premiership) I was playing a possession tactic which I created gaining 55% - 70% almost most games, Playing a 4 5 1 with wing backs and DM. Wing backs were getting 70-90 passes a game, DM 100-130 a game and CM's getting 80-110, this is most games.

Currently since promotion there only getting about 50-70 each at most! when I watch the highlights they even look to be playing different, keep playing the ball long and so forth. I haven't tweaked the tactic's at all.

Any suggestions as to why this is happening its becoming frustrating!

Note: I have replaced my Left winger, DM and right wing back, 1 CD that's it so it's not a fully new team adapting.:'(

EDIT: Forgot to mention, I also applied for the England job start of 3rd season as it was open, got that trying to play my tactic with them and its the same not the possession or passes I was getting?
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Well, there are still new players adapting. And it's a step up in class, you got promoted. You should expect something like this to happen. You often do have to tweak your tactics when you play in the EPL, and sometimes even change them depending on the team you play. As a rule, I keep tweaking and changing until I have a ridiculously good side capable of beating anybody with the tactic I have created for them.
Okay thanks for the feedback, I was putting it down to the fact we're playing much better opponents it just made me consider that it wasn't that the fact they keep playing long balls, I will just keep tweaking first time I've ever really used my own tactic and thinking about it a few of my players are really weak for EPL standard, I will just keep grinding through the season =]