Playes misses Lot of "clear cut chanses"


Apr 21, 2010
Reaction score

I know this is a popular topic. But my question in more specified on one player instead of the team in general.

My problem is that my AMC(Eden Hazard) misses a lot of CCC, with that i mean what I define as a clearcut chanse, not the computer!

In my recent game against Reggina he got 9 chanses, and missed 3 CCC witch is 3 to much. What would you suggest to to against this problem?
Maybe some PPMs like, Dribbles goalie, Pass instead of shoot, What would you do?

I am ofcourse training him extra in shooting it my training schedules and special training!
his finishing is 9 i think
maybe if u teach him to round the keeper that might help
Ok, but he will still need to be MUCH better at shots in the box when he is not close enought to dribble the keeper!
Ok, but he will still need to be MUCH better at shots in the box when he is not close enought to dribble the keeper!

how high are his finishin long shots tecnique composure and decisions?
look for pass rather then shoot and maybe blast ball at goal
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Finishing 8, long shots 13, technique 17, composure 13 and decisions 13. That isn't to bad(exept for finishing), right?
Lower Tempo, and raise Time Wasting, and you'll find you'll score a few more chances, as they won't be rushing things like they would be with a high tempo.

If it it low, then I'd probably put it down too poor finishing stats, Hazard as someone said only has 9 finishing, which is poor.
Train him extra on composure and decisions, I had Chris Wood the same on my Brighton save, but now he scores most, if not all.
1) ask him to learn "look for pass rather than shot" & "run with ball more often" & "go around the keeper when 1v1" PPM's
2) set long shots to never, through balls always and crossing always, near post!
3) set his wide movement to move into channels