Hi all.
I have created a tactic that would fit my taste of football.
For example I want to have 4 defenders, plus 2 defensive midfilders(to control the midfield battle) plus wingers, plus an attacking forward to spread the terrot behind the two strikers! Unfortunately as you all understand the sums up to 12!!! players.
For that reason I have created my own system ( I have no screenshot availbale since now I am writing in my job's pc (I am supposed to be working) So
1 GK
1DR (full back-automatic)
1 DRC (limited defender stopper-defend)
1 DLC( ball playing cover)
1 DL (wing back-attack) to cover all the flank
1 DMCR ( deep- playmaker - support)
1 DMCL ( defensive midfielder - defend)
1 AMR (inside forward - attack) but with often in crosses)
1 AMC (attacking midfielder- attack)
1 SCL (deep-lying forward or trequartista-attack) I play him a bit to the left to have some balance due to the lack of a left winger which I sucrificed to have an AMC)
1 SC (Poacher)
I start every game with counter and direct passing.It has created magic for me since I started, and the poacher scores like a machine gun. Crusial players are the DL and the SCL.
Right now I have Aogo (on loan as a DL) and Vagner Love as a SCL playing as a Deep-lying forward. Love is not playing very well so I don't know if it is the role's fault or he is just ****.
Any ideas? Should I play him as a trequartista? I don't want to disrupt the harmony with my poacher however (12 goals at 10 games, 4 with penalties)
Thank you all for any feedback
---------- Post added at 09:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:46 PM ----------
no one?
I have created a tactic that would fit my taste of football.
For example I want to have 4 defenders, plus 2 defensive midfilders(to control the midfield battle) plus wingers, plus an attacking forward to spread the terrot behind the two strikers! Unfortunately as you all understand the sums up to 12!!! players.
For that reason I have created my own system ( I have no screenshot availbale since now I am writing in my job's pc (I am supposed to be working) So
1 GK
1DR (full back-automatic)
1 DRC (limited defender stopper-defend)
1 DLC( ball playing cover)
1 DL (wing back-attack) to cover all the flank
1 DMCR ( deep- playmaker - support)
1 DMCL ( defensive midfielder - defend)
1 AMR (inside forward - attack) but with often in crosses)
1 AMC (attacking midfielder- attack)
1 SCL (deep-lying forward or trequartista-attack) I play him a bit to the left to have some balance due to the lack of a left winger which I sucrificed to have an AMC)
1 SC (Poacher)
I start every game with counter and direct passing.It has created magic for me since I started, and the poacher scores like a machine gun. Crusial players are the DL and the SCL.
Right now I have Aogo (on loan as a DL) and Vagner Love as a SCL playing as a Deep-lying forward. Love is not playing very well so I don't know if it is the role's fault or he is just ****.
Any ideas? Should I play him as a trequartista? I don't want to disrupt the harmony with my poacher however (12 goals at 10 games, 4 with penalties)
Thank you all for any feedback
---------- Post added at 09:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:46 PM ----------
no one?
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