Please pitty the novice with advice

Oct 19, 2012
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Hello... and straight to the point, (Punch and Pie available)

Having installed Fm beta with much excitement I find my laptop randomly turning off if I try to play it. This is happening mainly during the 2nd half of my first game as manager although it has happened once while the game was open but I was not activly playing it.

When it occurs the laptop fan goes from silent makes a small whiring sound (although the laptop is not/ nor becomes hot.) this lasts for around 2-3 seconds and then the computer then turns off.

To combat this I have uninstalled/ reinstalled several times and have also restored my laptop to factory settings only to have the problem presist. I have used the laptop for several hours without running fm and the problem has not re-occured. I have also ran FM12 through STEAM on the same laptop for the past year.

I am well aware this is a beta test and my just be a glitch, this could also just be my laptop saying it isnt good enough to run fm anymore. I am hopeing some advice to either:
point me in a direction to solve this,
or to confirm that it is my laptop so I can buy a new one. (FM is important enough for that!)

Below is the current spec of my laptop, I installed FM through STEAM, I believe the spec meets FM's min requirements (if only just.)

Apologies if Ive missed anything, please just ask and I will answer.

Thanks in advance for your advice.

Laptop Acer Aspire 5735
Intel Core 2 Duo (CPU) T6400 running at 2GHz
4gb ram
32 bit opperating system
1244 mobile intel graphics
500gb hdd
I had an acer aspire which was a similar model to yours untill a couple of months ago when I bought a samsung instead. I would definatley reccomend getting a new computer to run football manager smoother and faster. After I bought my new laptop I found that I could get through seasons alot faster. If it is convenient for you then you would probably get better value for money in a desktop. I have no clue what causes your problem as I am no expert either but I would get a new PC anyway to save you any further trouble in the future. If someone who knows more about computers comes up with a solution then listen to them rather than me.
Turn you screen brightness down, in the power saving options, get a cooling mat and run as little in the back ground as possible, its just overheating, mine used to do it, running it full blast will do so with an acer.. :(

can easily be combated though.
One thing to try would be, if you're crashing mid game, to try watching only the 2D match engine. I even find on my fairly new desktop that FM can push the CPU to 100% fairly easily. Also check and see if you can get a core temperature monitor program and check and see if your laptop is overheating and that's causing it to shut off.
Thanks you the above advice guys :D

I do not have a cooling mat but I have downloaded a core temp program and it is not recording a major spike before shutdown. I have also tried running a match with just the commentry but alas it crashed!!!!

I dont know what I'm more upset about tbh, the thought of shelling out for a new laptop or the 24 hours Ive already missed of new FM.

I'm going to try running the game from my fridge (cuz it worked for the red ring of death on the xbox,) although jokes aside I'm going to try and cool the laptop down to rule out overheating and see if the crash still occurs.

Would still love to solve this if possible so any further suggestions appreciated.

Thanks y'all
I do IT for a living and here's the things I believe it can be:

If CPU isn't overheating it very well could be the GPU overheating

If not GPU it could be the internal power supply

If there was a blue screen crash it could be software issues but since it does a hard reboot it has to be a hardware issue.

Let me know what you find
Thanks again for the replys,

Although just running FM does spike the CPU temp the Laptop seems happy to run that way for as long as I like providing I dont play a game. Although this has led to some quality scouting time, it is not quite the FM exp I had envisioned, lol.

Based on my limited (next to no) knowledge of hardware; what you are suggesting about the GPU overheating would make alot of sense.

There is definately no blue crash screen, the laptop just shuts down as if I'd made the request myself. When I reboot it even has the cheek to ignore what it did loading as normal without even a hint of asking about restarting in safe mode. :P

As an IT guy do you have any idea if the GPU is likely to be apart of the motherboard in an Acer or if it is a replacable part?

A new laptop seems to be edging closer...:'(
Knowing Acers its 80% chance its on board but if you give me a model number for your laptop I'll look it up and find out the specs. If it is onboard video and the GPU is the problem, its new laptop time.
Haha, now you have me at a disadvantage, :)

I believe the model number is Aspire 5735-644g50mn. (I did think model numbers were 6-8 characters but this was the only number I could find on the machine that wasnt the serial or snid.) The spec is also in the opening post.

Apologies if this is the wrong number and thanks for the advice.

Im going to take the lappy to a repair shop today and ask for a quick opinion before probably opting for a new one. I've seen a sexy i7 processor which has caught my eye and am dreaming of an FM with less loading time.

Either way hopefully I'll be taking over from Brendon Rodgers at some point tonight..... (probably just afer 5pm if we lose to Reading)
You actually gave me the correct model number, it is indeed an onboard GPU. If you'd like some help on your laptop purchase feel free to PM me.