
Dec 22, 2008
Reaction score
With everyone now knowing which tier of English football they will be playing in it's time for me to start editing them into the correct leagues.

One thing I did realise is the point deductions on people like Bournemouth and Luton. If I move Luton into the Conference will they still be penalised with a points deduction? I've not yet implemented the changes yet so I was wondering if once you swap them with someone else do they take the deduction with them or do the team I swapped them with get the points?

I would assume that the points would follow Luton but I didn't know whether the algorithm was that complex.

You help would be much appreciated on the matter.
ive changed mine round and luton have no points decuction on conference and no1 has 30 points deducted in league 2. im not sure weather u can implement deductions on teams such as southampton...
u can only on the real time editor i think herd some 1 done it b4