
Jan 25, 2011
Reaction score
Hi everybody,

I was wondering if anybody has a possesion tactic that works on FM2013 because i have tried the majority of FM2012 possesion tactics and none of them seem to be having any real affect like they did on FM2012.

Most of the tactics i have tried just pass the ball from left to right to left to right to the keeper then it starts again which leads to stupid passing totals with 0 key passes and very rarely is the oppositions box penetrated with that killer through ball that Barcelona/Spain always seem to find.

I would be very great full for the help :)
SI have fixed the disadvantage of playing a back 3 with the updates to the engine, its a fun formation to try and usually leads to about 60% possession in my cardiff save without the problems of to many long shots you get with most possession tactics :)
Thanks for the advice mate will try one with a 3CB defence :) How have you found possesion tactics so far? It seems like the players rack up stupid amounts of passes such as 200 passes with my RWB lol :)
Updates to the engine? - There havent been an Update to the engine yet have there?