Post your Gaming Disappointments


Feb 27, 2009
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Tell us about the games that frustrated and disappointed you the most, there are few for me, most are when I was younger, 10-15 when I did not have money to buy latest releases, so on birthdays and Christmas, games bought for me were all I would have until the next year.
That makes a poor game even more painful because I knew I was stuck with it
Heres my List of pain to start off

Bubsy 3D (Playstation) I was 12 in 1997, it was Christmas morning and I got my hands on my Playstation fresh out the box, my parents had chosen 4 games with the package.

Ridge Racer
Bubsey 3D

The other 3 games are PlayStation classics, but Bubsey 3D was horrific, worst of all it was the first game I chose to play, giving me the worst possible first i impression of the PlayStation.
When I first started up Bubsey 3D my first thought was, "were is my SNES" while trying to look impressed to my mum and dad to not seem un grateful.
The Game was, unfinished is the kindest word I can use to describe this pix elated mess.
My Favorite part of the game was when I discovered you could turn Bubsey's voice off, it was ****** annoying.
The game is just confusing identical random levels after another, with controls that make the game virtually unplayable.
The game developers did not even bother to create different enemies, there are about 6 enemies in the whole game, that just appear in different colours through each level.
As I said before I was stuck with this game, no new PlayStation games until August, and it was December.
Eventually I had played Rayman, Ridge Racer and V-Rally to death and was left with Bubsey, shamefully out of Boredom during rainy days I completed it :(

Adidas Power Soccer 98

Nest Christmas I only got one game, what the ****, everyone else bought me other things, no one knew me enough to know I was obsessed with my PlayStation.
I got one game, the most unplayable football game I have ever played, the controls were a nightmare, I could not play it for more than 20 minutes

Now as an adult, with internet to see reviews, I rarely see games of that standard again, poor games then were un avoidable because the internet was not common, and people were choosing games for me.
there are a few this Gen that have disappointed me

Turing Point Fall Of Liberty (360)
Pro Evolution 2010 (360)
Legendary (360)
Shellshock 2 (360)
King Kong (I got this free with the 360)
Wii Sports (Wii)
Zelda Twlight Princess (Wii)
Mirrors Edge ( I should have known, as EA make it) (360)
Wet (Ps3)
Siren Bloodcurse (Ps3)
Fable 2- Just nowhere near the quality of the first one, was very annoying
FM 2009- Thought it was the worst fm, too easy and absolutely no challenge within the game, barely played it
Bugs life for playstation, Played it non stop when i was about 10 couldn't get past this one level, Went on it the other day and cruised past that level, I must have been really bad back then :)
probaly get slated for this,
CODMW2--> bores the **** out of me. it is so much like MW1 it is stupid. No fun, cant stand to play it anymore for more then about 10minures.
Just over the past year:

Pro Evo 2010,ive hardly played it since i bought it,usually never off it.
Just Cause 2, Bug fest.
AVP, pretty boring after a while.
Halo ODST. Total waste of money.
FM 2010 (10.3 patch) Very dissapointing patch.
probaly get slated for this,
CODMW2--> bores the **** out of me. it is so much like MW1 it is stupid. No fun, cant stand to play it anymore for more then about 10minures.

I haven't liked a Call Of Duty game since the 3rd one.It was immense,since then i've had the three new-ers and they're nothing compared to 3.
Killzone 2 had a massive buzz, i bought it all excited, and can't stand the game, didn't complete it,and sold it.
probaly get slated for this,
CODMW2--> bores the **** out of me. it is so much like MW1 it is stupid. No fun, cant stand to play it anymore for more then about 10minures.

I was considering trading in my copy of MW2 the other day, really dont like it any more. I miss **** Zombies. :)

I think MW2 would be up there with my biggest disappointments aswell, mainly due to the fact that every 12 year old and there dog glitched 10th pres, and that it was exactly the same as MW1 in almost every way, and then they decide the new maps, that 2 of are from the old game thus making it even more like MW1, are going to cost the best part of £11.

No thanks, I have gone back to playing WaW for the time being.
FM 2009 annd 2010. When you strip back some of the gimmicky add ons there has been little real progress since FM 2008, the same old bugs seem to crop up too.... This is aside from the 3D match engine which i am pretty impressed with.

Pro Evo 2010. TOTAL NIGHTMARE, ive been a pro evo die hard since the original ISS Pro Evolution game. Ive never bought FIFA and despised the assault of licenses and logos that came with it, my friends were the same. PES was king until FIFA 09 came along and everyone seemed to drop PES 09 leaving me on my own. I expected PES 2010 to bounce back and knock the spots off FIFA, but it hasnt. Its poor online and ive hardly played it as it doesnt feel like the PES of old anymore. I even bought FIFA to give it a chance, it was god awful, felt like my players were running through a pool of treacle.

Killzone 2. Underwhelming.

Slightly different, but im disappointed everytime a developer announces that they are making a Road Rash game on a next gen console, only to drop the project on the quiet a few months later. If you havent played road rash then you havent lived.
Pro Evo 2010. TOTAL NIGHTMARE, ive been a pro evo die hard since the original ISS Pro Evolution game. Ive never bought FIFA and despised the assault of licenses and logos that came with it, my friends were the same. PES was king until FIFA 09 came along and everyone seemed to drop PES 09 leaving me on my own. I expected PES 2010 to bounce back and knock the spots off FIFA, but it hasnt. Its poor online and ive hardly played it as it doesnt feel like the PES of old anymore. I even bought FIFA to give it a chance, it was god awful, felt like my players were running through a pool of treacle.

I must agree although I have actually turned to FIFA. It isn't a great game by any means and is far too easy but it is way better than PES 2010 unfortunately.
FM 2009 annd 2010. When you strip back some of the gimmicky add ons there has been little real progress since FM 2008, the same old bugs seem to crop up too.... This is aside from the 3D match engine which i am pretty impressed with.

Pro Evo 2010. TOTAL NIGHTMARE, ive been a pro evo die hard since the original ISS Pro Evolution game. Ive never bought FIFA and despised the assault of licenses and logos that came with it, my friends were the same. PES was king until FIFA 09 came along and everyone seemed to drop PES 09 leaving me on my own. I expected PES 2010 to bounce back and knock the spots off FIFA, but it hasnt. Its poor online and ive hardly played it as it doesnt feel like the PES of old anymore. I even bought FIFA to give it a chance, it was god awful, felt like my players were running through a pool of treacle.

Killzone 2. Underwhelming.

Slightly different, but im disappointed everytime a developer announces that they are making a Road Rash game on a next gen console, only to drop the project on the quiet a few months later. If you havent played road rash then you havent lived.

Oh Yes road Rash was one my Favorite games for the Megadrive, and for the Playstation, the Playstation was awesome, mainly because of the soundtrack.
PES 2010 - Horrible, For a few years pes was losing face, releasing game after game with minimal change to the gameplay and failing to live up to the next gen stage, PES09 was the worst in the series and online play was still unplayable.

So...We were promised so much, 360 movement, champions league,Europa League,swish online play and who could forget....HEARTS IN THE GAME!!!!

The demo came out and i was left feeling confused and disappointed,many claimed the demo was rushed and all the flaws that made it 'un pes like' would be gone....WRONG!

Just didn't feel like pes at all, so many annoying glitches and the things that made the game playable were gone. Hopefully things will be restored in 2011

Fallout 3 - After alot of fuzz from a few work guys about how amazing the game was, I went out and got it with excitement. The first twenty minutes were great, Leeum Neeson's voice <3 and your growing up with your character, Once you move onto the actual game though i was left bitterly dissapointed

Gameplay was poor and i was unable to get to grips with crappy enemies getting the better of me.

FIFA 1999-2008 - After the 'Road to World Cup 98' Fifa, for me, got so boring. Stupid feature's like controlling two players were used to try and make up for it's boring gameplay.
Any Pokemon game that features 'new' pokemon i.e. any game after the fire red series.
I made the horror shock decision to buy NASCAR 08. Oh dear :S
I also have Nascar 99 and even it's better.

I bought all the PES games for PS2 and enjoyed each one but when I bought 08 it turned my stomach inside out. The gameplay was poor for me, PES on the next gen consoles have all been poor for me. With some half decent tactics you can't lose. On PES 08 I beat a guy online ranked 35 in the world simply by playing 5 at the back and I suck so bad at football games.

Need For Speed: The entire lot of them. The gameplay and the physics is simply laughable. The best of a bad bunch is Underground 2, from Most Wanted on it just got really poor.

I think that's it
Least i'm not the only one who thought Modern Warfare 2 was a load of overrated ****. I got 100% achievements including all Stars on Spec Ops and 100% campaign. Then traded it in. Only a week after release. It was so easy, and no, i'm not sad, if you want sad.. I know a guy on 10th Prestige already.. Thats over 25 days online.
while on the topic of bad, did anyone ever play Plumber never wear Ties for the 3DO, I got it about 2 years ago I bought a 3DO from Ebay (for £200) and that was one of the games with it.
You gotta watch AVGN's review of this game to understand how amazing terrible it is, its so bad its awesome
FIFA 06 Road to FIFA World Cup - Without doubt the worst ever game. I played it at a friends house and I hated the idea that you couldn't win the World Cup, only qualify for it. What!!!

Cool Boarders - I first played this when I was 4 or 5 in 2002, and I thought it was an immense game. I couldn't get over the fact though that there were only 3 runs and the "steering" was so ridiculous. It was like driving a tank

Colin McRae Rally 2.0 - When I first brought this, I thought, what I stupid name. Why was it called Colin McRae Rally 2.0. It was ridiculous. Played it once and never again. I thought the gameplay would be immense, but it was an awful let down. A waste of 10 quid.

FIFA 08 (PS2) - My best ever FIFA was 2005, the best FIFA game ever and when I got this game for a Chrimbo present, I thought things would have changed miraculously, but they didn't. Oh my God it was a **** game. It least the funny crowd noises from '05 went.

Who Want's to Be A Millionaire - Oh my God, I have no idea where to start with this. I played it when I was 4 years old and the 4000 quid question was the furthest I'd ever got. It was ridiculous, and my Mum got to the final question in 10 minutes. Dreadful game, but since I've got a PS3, hopefully, I won't see any more games like these