Practical tips for starting in the BSN, BSS or BSP

No.6 Jacko

May 10, 2009
Reaction score
Heres what I do when i take over a lower league club and practical tips for rapid promotion, i have had success on ach version of CM/FM by following these general rules

1 - stop our assistant from taking any contract negotiations so you can shape your squad yourself

2 - Apply for a new parent club ad try to get a premier league club fro both financial gain and possible loan signings

3 - put ALL the clubs strikers on the transfer list - this is because they areusually the clubs highest earners so budget can be spent elsewhere, loaned strikers are often better and will come for no wages

4 - Go through premier leage clubs and try and get three decent strikers on loan from these... I often try for Daniel Subotic and Kiko Macheda but there are lots to choose from most will score goals in the lower league playing alongside inferior players

5 - Look through the available transfer listed players as many will be available on free transfers

6 - Defenders - try for players with high heading, Marking, pace and junping these attributes are the best for lower league defenders.. but if not available then be sure to get centre backs that are at least 5'11" tall so as not to be dominated in the air

Tactics -

Play a direct style with a moderate tempo so as not to tire out the players too much and get the ball to your best players (the loaned strikers) as fast as possible

It also depends upon where your best midfielders are to either focus pssing throug centre or down flanks... but be sure to choose one of them so to not confuse your players

If best players are in centremidfield then choose a playmaker as your best CM and focus throught the centre

If best are wingers then have no playmaker and simply fcus dow the flanks

Training -

Focus on fitness (strength and aerobic) as coaches and facilities are never good enough to warrant any serious technical training

Goalkeeper -

No hard and fast rule here simply get the best and most experienced keeper you can afford because a good defence ios no good without a good stoper

Hope this helps you feel free to comment if you think there are any areas I can improve this as an article
So you dont have any bought strikers in the club? For the whole time managing them, or just for first season?
This pre-conception that if your playing in the lower Leagues you have to play quick and direct to get any success is a complete load of bollocks i assure you.
For goal keeper get Paul Gerrard on free, or Matt Pickens on free.

Also use loans! And lots of them!
This pre-conception that if your playing in the lower Leagues you have to play quick and direct to get any success is a complete load of bollocks i assure you.

Agreed but if your team is best up top and has a weaker midfield then playing direct about 65/70% (but not long ball) works to avoid unnecessary miplaced passes and gets the ball to strikers faster hence creating more chances

---------- Post added at 02:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:10 PM ----------

So you dont have any bought strikers in the club? For the whole time managing them, or just for first season?

until you reach league 1 id say, or until you can afford to buy quality strikers in terms of both wages and transfer price

Loans are often superior to players available to buy for lower league clubs

free transfers at the end of each season are the way forward as well
you have some good ideas but some i disagree with

2 - Apply for a new parent club ad try to get a premier league club fro both financial gain and possible loan signings

the problem is most players that are premier will refuse to go to BSN/BSS , for my first feeder i prefer a championship or league one team... xan switch to a premier league when i can get the team to BSP or L2

3 - put ALL the clubs strikers on the transfer list - this is because they areusually the clubs highest earners so budget can be spent elsewhere, loaned strikers are often better and will come for no wages

hmm.....all the strikers??? If you totally change the team you run into problems...i believe in getting rid of the deadwood but i find a combination of experinced striker and a young loaned striker works nicely

4 - Go through premier leage clubs and try and get three decent strikers on loan from these... I often try for Daniel Subotic and Kiko Macheda but there are lots to choose from most will score goals in the lower league playing alongside inferior players

I disagree most premier league players will not go to BSP/BSN you'l have better luck hunting through L2, L1 and maybe championship a quality league 2 loaner will do just fine in BSP/BSN

Tactics -

Play a direct style with a moderate tempo so as not to tire out the players too much and get the ball to your best players (the loaned strikers) as fast as possible

It also depends upon where your best midfielders are to either focus pssing throug centre or down flanks... but be sure to choose one of them so to not confuse your players

If best players are in centremidfield then choose a playmaker as your best CM and focus throught the centre

If best are wingers then have no playmaker and simply fcus dow the flanks

You're tactics are what i disagree with the most...
passing... should also be based on field conditions, and passing talent of players, and if your playing defensively or offensively generally i use...good field conditions/offensive: mixed passing, poor field conditions/defensive: direct. i keep all DC at direct

a playmaker in BSN/BSS??? i really don't think the your standard BSP/BSN midfielder has the skills or brain to pull that off, much prefer a striker as a targetman. (i found i had a diffficult time finding a exceptable playermaker until i got to at least to league 2)

there are alot more factors to consider in your tactical mentality systems, man,zone or mixed marking systems, and general team settings.
The direct passing is based in a doubtful assumption: that the players will be poor passers and so fewer long passes will have less bad chances of success than several short passes.

I think, wouldn't it be longer passes harder to get rigth? Wouldn't a bad pass stat affect long passes more than short passes?. Wouldn't it be the result rather than several short passes will have better chances to go right than few long passes?.
Poor passers of the ball would be better playing a short passing game in a formation which is narrow.A short pass is a simpler pass and the narrow formation would mean the players would be more compact and able to find each other easier.
Another point I forgot, is that you have also to take into account: your rivals of the lower leagues won't be much better in the marking and tackling department, so things would cancel out.

Now, perhaps that would be true if you were in a Cup competition trying to beat some team from a few divisions above, where your rival will have higher tackling AND marking than your men have passing. And still then it should be considered what would be the differences in other matters that could still not make it that better.
Shot down on most counts then!

Harsh if you ask me as i managed to get Farsley into the Championship in 7 seasons ( 2 in bsp, consecutive to L1, 2 seasons in L1 then promoted in playoffs)

Each to their own but i find when playing superior opposition a direct game is the best

and by the time you get to league 2 is the only time to consider buying a free transfer striker as players better than those willing to come on loan become available and willing to join... before then loans are the way forward for free scoring strikers from higher leagues