Prefered moves


Nov 12, 2010
Reaction score
Hey guys (and girls), I searched the forum for "prefered moves" and found nothling like I'm interested in. I appologize if there is a thread already and I started a new one. What I want to find out is how every/any prefered move affect my players.

ex. If I want an inside forward to learn "Cut Inside" that should be useful because that is what he does or should do. The matter here is that I don't know what all prefered moves do. I play this game for a long time but still none of my players I managed wanted to learn "Switch the ball to the other flank". This was just an example. I know that are prefered moves for strikers, midfielders and defenders, but it depends on what role do they have on the pitch. Is there a guide for this ? I searched the tactical theorems 10 about this, but found nothing detailed. Hope you can enlight me about this. I'm sure there are many people out there in the same situation I am. Thank you in advance.
i wrote one for fm10, havent yet updated it for fm11 though, check the fm10 section
Is there any PPM in particular you're having trouble understanding?
Mike's thread look really impressive. Hope it will be the same way like FM10.