
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
I'm in my third season and I've got a big problem. I'm trying to offer a contract to a player, the player wants to come, but on the contract screen the only 'clickable' button in the 'walk away' button. All contract terms (wage, length, bonuses, etc) are all set at 0 and I'm unable to change them, nor am I able to offer the contract. It's not only with this player - I've tried with loads and its the same.... So basically there is a glitch which means I cannot sign any player.

Any thought on how to fix it?

have u selected a squad status? I had a problem similar and changed the squad status and by some miracle it started to work again.
Did you ever solve this problem?because i have the same problem..
I have a similar problem also. When trying to offer contracts the Contract Expiry bit is greyed out and I can only Walk Away.

Thanks to this, other clubs are stealing my players! Can anyone help?!
could it be because the player isn't interested in re-newing their contract? It would say so at the top of the contract negotiation screen?
Have you filled in all the details of the contract i.e. squad status, contract length, wage .... If you don't do that then you can't offer a contract.
I had the exact same problem, what you've done is select the 'existing contract' tab (i don't know how i did it either) from the options just above the wage part of the contact screen. You need to select 'current offer' tab instead. Hope this works for you as well