Problem with playmakers - too little amount of passes

Mar 31, 2011
Reaction score
Hello everyone, I've got a problem with new FM. I manage Levante, to basic squad I bought only Sergio Tejera. I play slow tempo, narrow 4-3-2-1 with high defensive line.

Defence: LB (wing back - attack), CB (central defender - defend), CB (central defender - defend), RB (wing back - attack).

Midfield: MCL (deep lying playmaker - support), MC (ball winning midfielder - defend), MCR (box to box midfielder - support).

Att. midfield: AMCL (attacking midfielder - attack), AMCR (advanced playmaker - attack).

Attack: ST (poacher - attack).

The problem is that both my playmakers (Tejera as deep lying playmaker and Barkero as advanced one) have too little contact with the ball and ends the game with about 15 - 20 passes. I play on playmaker, I swich them, I play narrow, I play short passing game and the are no results. Can You help me?
Check the position of both of your playmakers in the match analyses, the DLP should be in a deeper position than your 2 other players in midfield and the AP should be a little bit deep in position than the other AMC. You should make sure that your DLP always comes deep to get the ball and to be able to do so, he should have some space to shake off his marker if he is being man mark. The same goes for your AP, he's not really have to comes deep too often but he should have some space. I think, playing without any width and setting the width play to narrow will make the midfield too congested. Try to play a bit wider tho and see how it works.
