Ps3 - ufc.

Yh I am pretty good.. Haven't played it in ages though..
I used to have this game and i was quite good at it, not blowing my own trumpet or anything haha.

I might buy it again so i can batter you all :)
I got the game to played a few games online , record is 40 and 5 or something Stopped playing it online though was sick of the constant lag I had playing people from Usa and stuff my custom guy is a 95 also so he's good lol
on the ground i am ****.
i don't know what to do except punch on the gruond..
I love submitting on the game , its a bit to easy sometimes you just get there stamina down with blocking there reverse attempts then lock on the choke fight over.
I love submitting on the game , its a bit to easy sometimes you just get there stamina down with blocking there reverse attempts then lock on the choke fight over.

how do you do that ****, lmao?
You need to go into the training in the game , and learn the ground , its a bit hard to explain with all the twists on the analogue but this is a fight to me on UFC start to finish. I run across the ring and smash him with a overhand right if he blocks I drop for the take down smash him up a bit on the ground , while holding away from him to stop him reversing me. Then I go for a mount just hold back until he keeps trying to get out watch his stamina go down , come out of mount into side control , fire around to north south lock on the choke fight over.
Never had the game but always played it round a mates, my online record was 9-0 but I wasn't good really. I just happened to be awesome at punching the **** out of people.
I'm brill on UFC, it's probably the only game I'm really good at.