Questions generally about contracts/transfers/loans/player value


Oct 23, 2013
Reaction score
I have a few questions that I haven't seen answered in the several pages of post that I've gone through.

For reference, this is my first season. I am playing Clube Atl?tico Paranaense in the Brazilian second division. I chose them because they were picked to win the league and had a transfer budget and some extra wages to spend, so I figured it would be relatively easy to gain promotion with them. I won the state championship with them, then got an unfortunate cup draw and lost in the first round on an 89th minute goal (I would have won on away goals without that). I've played about half the regular season with them and am in second place, so I think I've done pretty well so far.

1. My main problem is that I have five legit strikers, all rated 3 stars or higher. I generally play a 4-2-2-2 (actually a 4-2-0-2-2 since I have very strong DMs and AMs, but no solid CMs) so that I can utilize two strikers every game. I still have a tough time keeping all of them happy and match fit, and I actually wish that one of them would get injured for a while. I have tried Offering to Clubs, and none of them are wanted for loan or transfer, even when I set the price to 40 or 50% of estimated value. Three of their ratings say "good" or "leading star" in First Division, and their wages aren't that high, so it baffles me that I can't get any bites when I try to loan/sell. I won't give them away for free, of course, so what do I do to get some value out of them? I don't have any wage issues, as I'm about 40K below my budget, but increasing my transfer budget to bring in one more "leading star" would be nice.

2. I have an old CD who is almost done with his contract and no other club wants, and his rating and play are below average. Is there any harm to just sticking him in the reserves, ignoring his please for first team football, and waiting until it expires? Will teammates react badly to that sort of treatment?

3. What's up with Pep Talks? Can I just never give a pre/half/post-game talk and be fine? Most of the time they're harmless, but sometimes my star players react badly to me praising the team for a 3-0 win. They do seem to like it when I yell at them after a loss, though. It just seems kind of random.

4. I just convinced the board to upgrade the youth training facilities, and it will cost 3 million. Will this affect my transfer/wage budget?

5a. Why are a player's Value and the actual transfer costs so far apart? If I see a player "worth" 200K in the scouting report, the rating page will usually say something like, "I think you can buy this player for 1.3-1.7M" Why not just put 1.5M in the Value column?

5b. When I attempt to sign a player who's out of contract, why do they always demand 4-5 times their current wage? The most egregious example was a 31-year-old who was previously making 375 per week demanding 4,200 when I Offered a Contract.

6. When I took over the club, most of my time was spent just trying to sort out all of the players and where they fit at the club. There were way too many that I had on loan from other clubs, and I was playing 100% of their wages, when that amount wasn't nearly justified by their ability, and I had better players out on loan in their position. I terminated the loans on all but one and only have two Senior members out on loan myself, so it's under control, but it added a great deal of complexity to the start of the season. Are most clubs like this? And why, for example, would you have a good striker out on loan, and a just decent striker loaned to you for a higher wage?

I realize that's quite a bit, but this game can be overwhelming. Thanks in advance for any replies.