REALLY slow match processing....

Jul 27, 2009
Reaction score
When I press the 'Continue' button and there are many fixtures to be simulated/processed, it regularly takes over 10 minutes to process them.

Is this normal or would it be down to my computer? I'm using a toshiba laptop that's 2-3 years old with windows vista and 1GB of RAM and a 1.87GHz processor.

It could be your laptop or maybe you chose loads of leagues that you are eligible to play in so all the results from different leagues have to be simulated
Im sorry but, if you want faster processing, you need a better PC...
Or you need to decrase the number of leagues. :(

I was playing with 8 leagues or so on a Dual Core 1.5GHz laptop with 1GB Ram and it took like 2-3 minutes when there were league fixtures...

However, now im using a Core 2 Duo 2.16GHz with 3GB ram and it takes at most 60-90 seconds to process trought league days, and im playing with all leagues exept for indonesian...
Change your windows,vista has huge requairements,try Xp ,and then i think it will work fairy well.
Ok thanks guys. I didn't realise FM09 would be so hardware intensive.

Also, is there a way to decrease no of leagues and still play the on same save? Or would I have to start from the beginning again?
go to preferences... then look down at the options at the one that says "processing fixtures" select "fastest can't interupt" help this helps..