Recommend a laptop anyone??


Jul 30, 2010
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I've currently been trying to play FM on my Toshiba Satellite L300D-10Q, and tbh it's pretty **** awful, it's way slow and impossible to play FM on so I need to invest in a cheap-ish laptop for around £150-200. Can anybody recommend a good laptop that will run FM smoothly whilst running 20+ nations and a large database. Not interested in running the 3D match engine if that affects anything. What RAM, processor etc should I look for?
Thanks, much appreciated. :)
You would probably struggle to get one which can do 20+ nations and large databases for that price.
Do you think I could even get a laptop good enough to just run the game smoothly for that price?
try and look for dual core processors and about 3GB of RAM or more

My specs are: (Bear in mind ive got a desktop pc)

Processor: Intel (R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7500 @ 2.94 GHz
RAM: 3.00GB
System Type: 64-Bit Operating System
Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX+.0

My game runs perfect with around 15 nations on and the 3d match engine also very smooth. It just lags abit when you try to do too many things at one time. For example trying to set two different instructions quickly then it lags for a few seconds but its worth it.

The actual pc i got cost around £400 but you might find cheaper by looking around.
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