Recommended tactics and Player role for these superstars?


Aug 12, 2011
Reaction score
Well. I am Chelsea in a network game with 2 of my friends. It is very competitive. I have signed since season 1 - Hamsik - Bale - Hummels and now Neymar (also Insigne on a free). So I usually play with 2 Inside forwards (Hazard AML Bale AMR). Mata as AMC. With torres up front as DLF. Now I have Neymar, who can recommend a tactic and playing style for these? I have my own ideas but it's also nice to hear other peoples opinion. Team will look like this or something similar. I also want to sign a ball winning Midfielder to improve Ramires. Cech - Azplicicueta (FB-s) - Hummels (CB) - Terry/Luiz(CB) - Cole (Fb-s) - Ramires (CM-d) - Hamsik CM (AP-s) - Bale (AMR-If-A) - Mata (Amc - S) - Hazard (AML - IF - A) - Neymar (DLF-A). Anyone recommend a tactic on here that would suit that team. Or even recommend imrpvoements? I know terry is getting old so I could use a new CB. Im thinking Dede. Also need a new BWM as Ramires I feel doesn't sit back enough. Thoughts?
i've juts stumbled on this : Sports Interactive Community

it looks very interesting! personally im gonna try it out when i get home from work, although i will play a flat back 4, because i feel it is more solid instead of the pushed up WB's.

get rid of torres and play mata or neymar in the AMC. i think it might work very well

and you can use ramires in a role where he does better as DLP, you will still need to buy a good DMC though

hope i've helped!
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Yeah torres played season 1. Neymar will be Upfront with mata behind him for season 2. :)
Just going to have a look at the moment. I was going to play Hamsik as a DLP and Ramires as a ball winner. I need to change a few ppm's though. Don't want ramires ending up in oppo's box late lol
hamsik will do much better as AP or AM, he is too good to sit back with all that finishing ability and skill, he needs to be close to goal
jesus that link has said I entered my password wrong 5 times when I entered the password they just sent me to reset my password! /o\
that link is for a different forum, you're probably putting in your password for this one :P
I might actually sign Cheick Tiote or someone similar and play him and ramires as two defensive minded cm's so my front 4 can constantly attack.
Neymar should be a poacher of an inside forward if you want to get the most out of him.
that 460 tactic looks cool. gonna try it with liverpool.
that 460 tactic looks cool. gonna try it with liverpool.

it does look interesting doesnt it? i havent had the time to try it out yet, let me know how you do please!
Neymar = poacher. 55 goals in 45 games for me in the "combo" tactic.. i rate him as the best player in the game