Regarding tactic testing...


Dec 15, 2019
Reaction score
Hello everyone!

I hope this is the correct place to post this question, I wasn't quite sure.

I'm wondering whether tactics that are submitted now will be tested once tactic testing returns?
The reason being that I've been very busy and created a few tactics on the newest match engine version, some of which I am very proud of.
In my personal testing, a couple of tactics looked incredibly promising, they might be better than everything I've uploaded so far.

Therefore, of course, I'm buzzing to share these tactics with you and to see how they hold up in comparison to other great tactics. (I'm certainly not ready to go for the throne, but I feel like 17s or 18s are on the cards)

Not knowing whether or not these tactics will get tested leaves me between 'not uploading them, running a test when tactic testing is back (if the match-engine has changed again) and then uploading them' and 'thinking whether I should upload them before someone else has the same idea or one so close that my tactic can't "stand for itself" anymore - just in case they do get tested when tactic testing returns'

If anyone knows, an answer would be much appreciated!