Looking for someone who is available during the daytime, as the evening/night is unavailible for myself. 2-3 people would be a decent game but quick as well. Regular to be played in the afternoon from midday to 5/6ish. No set times specifically, just when there is 3 of us on and available.
I would prefer to start League two and try and build up, but I'm open to discussion about it. I have strong internet and a quad-core PC so hosting isn't an issue for me.
I am by no means world class at the game, however I will stick to it, so as long as your committed and don't quit when your losing, your more than welcome. Must communicate via skype.
If you're at all interested, skype me at andy4efc
Looking for someone who is available during the daytime, as the evening/night is unavailible for myself. 2-3 people would be a decent game but quick as well. Regular to be played in the afternoon from midday to 5/6ish. No set times specifically, just when there is 3 of us on and available.
I would prefer to start League two and try and build up, but I'm open to discussion about it. I have strong internet and a quad-core PC so hosting isn't an issue for me.
I am by no means world class at the game, however I will stick to it, so as long as your committed and don't quit when your losing, your more than welcome. Must communicate via skype.

If you're at all interested, skype me at andy4efc