
Jul 23, 2009
Reaction score
Hi im starting with luton town in the blue square bet premier on the demo, ive found around 10-15 free transfer players mostly young that around league 1 level some better some worse when i was southampton and they all joined my team at southampton but they wont even listen to offers now im luton.
I know southampton are a bigger club than luton but luton are still a good side who should be in league 1- to league 2 and have a good reputation + max contract offer is 2.2 k and at southampton i got some of them on hundereds a week so why arnt they coming. Lastly i heard the leagues have reputation but how can i see the blue squae premiers level of reputation and what do you advise me to do
you can find out things like reputation using genie scout but i dont think they have released genie scout for 2011 yet and the latest one for 2010 doest work on 2011
in fm 11 u dont need genie scout to show the reputation of the league (when you click on the league its shows how many stars it has)..mb just for the team reputation