reserves and PA

Dec 12, 2008
Reaction score
okay I'm playing madrid with this 9.3 patch so I have adan opare and parejo who were PA9 before, do they still are PA9 with the new patches, and more generally if I go after balotelli (again) is he still the potential world class player of previous patches, as sakho kroos etc... or are there new ones and some that dropped?
And I'd like to know, although I know its better to have first team games if players improve well in the reserves (u19 for spain), can they still reach something close to their full PA?
And finally im not very confident into loaning players to low divisions because I play only one league with reduced database, but even so when they come back do their history show their caps? Because if its so I'll loan as much as I can.
Anyway, hope you'll shed some light as the dawn of a new dominion of tyranny of Real Madrid arises over europe and the world. (well in the game, everyone knows what reality is about)