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Apr 12, 2009
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Football. The one important thing in my life. Without football, my existence would be meaningless. I have been playing football ever since I can remember, and I was told I had what it takes to be the next big thing. I played for LA Galaxy's under 16 team when I was just 12. I wasnt the biggest player, but I was easily able to compete with the big boys.


Soon, I was receiving interest from clubs all over the world. Barcelona, Real Madrid, Manchester United, Liverpool. I had one of the biggest decision of my life to make, and I was only 13 at the time. After some hard decisions, and long chats with my parents, we decided that I should move to Liverpool. I had always loved watching Liverpool play, I remember watching people like Michael Owen and Robbie Fowler, and now I had the opportunity to join them.


After joining up with the Liverpool youth team, I progressed fast. I won 2 youth league trophies and the FA youth cup on 3 occasions. It was only a matter of time before I was ready for first team action. On my 16th Birthday, I got a phone call from Rafa Benitez, the manager at Liverpool at the time.

"Hello Brandon​, I have been hearing great thing about you. I would like you to meet me in my office tomorrow morning. We have some important things we need to discuss."

"Yes, ok boss, I will see you there tomorrow"

"Thank you, make sure you are here for 9.30"

That night I couldnt sleep. I had a strong feeling I was going to be offered my first professional contract. Tomorrow just couldnt come any sooner. I woke up bright and early, and made my way to Melwood, and headed straight for Rafa's office.


I was really nervous, but excited at the same time. I took a deep breath, and knocked on the door. The wait seemed to take forever, but eventually Rafa invited me in.

"There are two things I would like to discuss with you today Brandon​. Firstly, I am a huge admirer of your talent. I can see you becoming one of the best players this club has ever seen. We would like to offer you a long term contract, if you are happy with that."

"Wow, thank you Rafa, that sounds excellent. I dont want loads of money, I just want to play football."

"That is very honest of you Brandon, we will be offering you a contract we feel reasonable in the next few days. The second thing I wanted to say is I feel you are ready to play with the first team. We have an FA cup tie against Sunderland in a few days, and I would like you to play."

I couldnt believe it, in a few days time, I was going to make my professional debut. My whole life I had been waiting for this moment. The match was also going out live to the whole world, so now was my chance to show everyone what I could do. The next few days flew by, and match day had finally arrived.


I stepped into the dressing room, and looked around at all the names on the backs of the shirts. Gerrard, Carragher, Hyypia. And I would be playing with them! I continued looking around the dressing room, and I eventually came to my shirt.

"Tyler, 40"

I was starting on the bench, and I was sure I would be coming on. Sitting there on the bench was so hard. I was so eager to get out the and play. By half time, we were 2-0 up, and spirits were high. In the dressing room, Rafa came up to me and said:

"Go out there and warm up, I will be bringing you on about 10 minutes into the game"

I ran out, and started warming up. My time was almost here. The second half began, and I knew it was just minutes before I went on. Rafa called me over, and gave me a pep talk. I cant remember what he said, my head was buzzing. I stood at the edge of the pitch, and waited for the ball to go out of play. It did. I looked up at the 4th officials board.

"5 40"

I came on for Milan Baros, and I was ready to go. I came on the pitch, got a few good touches and instantly settled into the game. I kept things simple. Playing quick, short passes, nothing stupid. Then my chance came. Gerrard played a fantastic through ball, and I was through 1 vs 1, and I dinked it over the goalkeeper.

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I ran over to the Kop, and I heard them chanting my name. I couldnt believe it. I was ecstatic. I couldnt have asked for more. The full time whistle went, and we won 3-0. What a great way to start my professional career! After the match Rafa congratulated me.

"You were absolutely fantastic today Brandon, thank you for repaying the faith I showed in you. Keep up the work in training, and you will be involved in the first team a lot more often."

To be continued.....

From then on, I was involved in the first team a lot more often. It didnt take long to be a regular in the starting 11. I put in the hard work in training and was really enjoying my football. There was still huge interest in me, and I heard that Barcelona had even put in a £5 Million bid for me. But I was happy at Liverpool and I had no intention of leaving.

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By the time I had reached 19, I was voted PFA Young Player of The Year, and I was also top goalscorer of the season. We won the FA cup that year also, with me scoring the only goal of the game in a win over Arsenal. I had been offered a new contract worth £45,000 per week. To celebrate, I went out and brought my favourite car, a Lamboghini Gallardo.


The next season came, and I was playing even better than before. I was almost averaging a goal every game. I even managed to score a hattrick against Manchester United. I was so delighted when I managed to destroy our bitter rivals. We were topping the table, 10 points ahead of second placed Chelsea. Things were going good. I was even close to getting an England call up. But then, that dreadful day happened, the day that changed my life.


I was involved in a massive accident, and I was seriously injured. I guess I am very lucky to still be alive. The day was quite a blur to me. I remember driving, maybe a little to fast, and I lost control of the car. The back end of the car slid out of control and hit a barrier and rolled over. I then must have passed out, because the next thing I remember was a bright light being flashed into my eyes. I tried to move but I couldnt. I just stayed still while the paramedics carefully put me into a helicopter and I was rushed into hospital. I knew I was in a bad way, and I feared this would be the end of my football career. I looked up at the top of the helicopter, closed my eyes, and hoped that I would wake up from this horrible nightmare.


The next time I remember waking up, I was lying in a hospital bed. I had done some serious damage to myself. I broke both of my legs, cracked several ribs, broke my arm and received many serious bruises. This wasnt a nightmare, this was reality. A doctor came in, and he confirmed my worst fears.

"Unfortunatly, Mr Tyler, your injuries are so severe, that you will not be able to play football again. We fear that you will never be able to walk again. Me and my team will work our hardest to return you full fitness"

That was when the bombshell hit home. No more football. What would I do with myself. I guess for now, my focus should be on recovering, and hopefully I will come out in one piece. After spending almost 2 months on a bed, I started a physiotherapy program. Each day, I had to practice moving all of my limbs. It was very hard to start with, everything I did I received a sharp pain to remind me of what my life may now be like. Slowly but surely, I started to make a recovery. I knew it was going to be hard, but im a fighter, I was determined to prove the doctors wrong. I will walk again.

It was almost a year later when I had full recovered, I was fortunate that I was managed to prove the doctors wrong, and I was able to walk. My body was a lot weaker than before though, so I was unable to play football. I didnt know what I would do with my life without it. I tried many things to fill the void. I found alcohol and gambling a good way to keep my mind of things, but there were still no substitute.


Soon, my drinking and gambling addictions began to spiral out of control. I could not go a day without either. The clubs, bars, casinos...I couldnt stay away. I had fully recovered physically, but my brain seemed to be scared for life. I was losing thousands of pounds on my gambling, and eventually, the inevitable happened. I went bankrupt. I lost everything. The houses, the cars, the friends. All of them, gone. I couldnt go any lower. I moved back in with my parents, and they decided they would send me to rehab. I was really hoping they would be able to repair the damage inside my head. I couldnt even understand it myself. It took several months, but I was determined to win. Once my treatment was over, I felt a lot better about myself. I had a new outlook on life. I decided that I would get back into football, and where better than as a manager. A new chapter of my life was about to open, and this time, I was not going to screw it up.

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I got shivers when I read that you scored on your debut! Hahahaha, weird. Nice opening plot! Will be following it.
Thanks for all the positive feedback everyone :) Next update soon
I guess the first place to start would be with my FA coaching badges. I applied for the course, and I was accepted onto the course. I spent a few weeks learning all I could about coaching, man management and tactics. I really enjoyed my time learning, and it gave me renewed hope about becoming a football manager.


So now I had my coaching badges, it was time to get out there and put them to use. I searched the internet, newpaper and magazines for any sniff of a job. I saw there were positions all over the world. There were vacancies in England, Germany, France, Spain and Italy. I thought it would be best to start in England though, as I was already familiar with all the leagues and rules.


I sent out my applications out to a few clubs in England, including Charlton and Bristol City. I also sent a cheeky application to Shalke in Germany, although I wasnt expecting to get that job. A week passed, and I still hadnt heard anything from any of the clubs. Then one morning, I woke up to this email.

Dear Mr Tyler

Thank you for you application to fill the position of vacant manager at our club. Although you currently have no managerial experience, we believe you have huge potential as a manager, and we would like to give you an opportunity to manage out club. Please make your way down to Ashton Gate this Wednesday, and we will discuss contract terms.

I look forward very much to meeting you.

Your Sincerely

Colin Sexstone

Bristol City Chairman



Ashton Gate. The start of my management career. I met Colin Sexstone in his office, and we agreed a 3 year contract worth £6,500 a week. He also went through his expectations for this current season.

"As you know, the club is currently seriously under performing, and we are sitting in 20th place. That was why I made the decision to sack Keith Millen. Now, I wont be expecting any miracles from you this season, nor will I be judging you, but I do expect us to improve on this position. I feel with the players we have, I feel we can finish in around 15th place."

"Ok Colin I believe that is a fair objective. Will I be provided with any financial backing in the January transfer window?"

"Unfortunately, as of this moment, we are unable to provide you with any money to bring in players. However, if the clubs financial situation improves, we will happily help you to achieve your goals."

"Ok, I understand."

"Good. You will start tomorrow. The lads turn up for training at 10am, so please be there then and I will introduce you."​
Although it's a good plot, I do feel the pre-manager story went waaay too fast, perhaps you could have extended it a bit e.g. in one sentence you were practically lying on your death bed, then in the next you had recovered and were addicted to gambling. Also I feel for an unknown and unproven manager Bristol City is quite a high reputation club to start at.

Constructive criticism :) good luck, shall be checking it out every now and then as I enjoy these POV stories.
Although it's a good plot, I do feel the pre-manager story went waaay too fast, perhaps you could have extended it a bit e.g. in one sentence you were practically lying on your death bed, then in the next you had recovered and were addicted to gambling. Also I feel for an unknown and unproven manager Bristol City is quite a high reputation club to start at.

Constructive criticism :) good luck, shall be checking it out every now and then as I enjoy these POV stories.

Thanks for the feedback :) I did go over fairly quickly, I didnt really want to spend too long on the pre-manager story. Also, I set my past experience to professional footballer, which he was, and Bristol City accepted my application, so I guess that one is FMs fault :)
Thanks for the feedback :) I did go over fairly quickly, I didnt really want to spend too long on the pre-manager story. Also, I set my past experience to professional footballer, which he was, and Bristol City accepted my application, so I guess that one is FMs fault :)

Fair enough, I know you wanted to get on with the game. As said, good luck.
After considering Mike feedback, I have expanded my second post. Anyone who wants to re-read it feel free :)
I arrived at the training ground, bright and early, and full of enthusiasm. I met Colin at the entrance of the training ground. He then took me on a tour of the facilities, and introduced me to various back room staff members. It was not quite as impressive as the facilities at Liverpool, but they were definitely a good standard. He then introduced me to my assistant manager, Steve Wigley. I felt it would be best for me and the team if I kept him as my assistant. It was then time for me to meet my team.


The player has already started training, so Colin called them all in to introduce me.

"Hello guys, as you know, I have chosen Brandon to be the new manager of our club. I have full faith in him, and I believe he will make a real difference at the club. Is there anything you would like to add Brandon?"

"Yes, thanks Colin. Hello everyone, as Colin said, I am Brandon Tyler, and I will be your new manager. I have big ideas for this club, and I believe we can go far. I will be looking to work closely with each one of you. If anyone has any problems, please feel free to approach me with them."

And with that, I allowed them to get on with training. Colin then told me I had an hour until a press conference regarding my new job. As I had some time to spare, I decided to watch my players, to give me a chance to evaluate what I was working with.


"I have called this press conference today to announce the exciting news of our new manager, Brandon Tyler. He is now here to answer any questions you may have."

"Mr Tyler you obviously have passion for football, and your talent as a player was truly remarkable. Do you believe you will be able to recreate the success you had as a player?"

"Of course I can. As you say, football is my passion, and I always strive to do the best I can. If I didnt feel I was up to the challenge, I wouldnt have taken it."

"Mr Tyler, Bristol City have not had the bests of seasons so far. Do you feel you have got what it takes to turn their season around?"

"Most certainly. The players here are very good, and I believe with the right tactics, and a little bit of self believe, we can easily turn things around."

"Mr Tyler, you were very flamboyant as a player, can we expect the same thing from your Bristol City team?"

"Yes, I intend to play a very exciting and attacking style of football. That has always been my style, and that is no something I am looking to change."

And with that, the press conference ended. I left the press room and took a huge sigh of relief. I was really nervous about the press conference, but I seemed to have come through it in one piece. My day was now over, and the hard work would start tomorrow. Tomorrow I would truly be a football manager! I decided that I would return to the hotel that Colin had paid for me to stay for a few weeks. It was a fantastic place, and I wasnt looking forward to leaving it!

Without ruining it too much, Im waiting for a new mic to arrive before I continue this story :)
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