Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
Hello FM Base Community, i have been a reader and visitor of this site for a long while now but have not took it upon myself to make an account until now that i want to start this competiton, if this is in the wrong place please tell me

ps - Feel free to suggest any other name for the competition, i couldnt think of an imaginative enough one so just copied my name, which is suitable if not. Anyway let me explain how it works.

How does the competition work?
The idea of this competition is to take over the English Premier Division. Twenty new clubs introduced into the new brand of the Premier League. Wealthy businessmen destroying what was, to play there own little game. Therefore twenty participants, preferably those who are well known for being active often as i need people to always be able to take part or this will never take off. Participants will fill in a very basic form that will look something along the lines of

Club name:
Club Home Colour:
Club Away Colour:
Club City:
Number (1-20):

Clubs will be then assigned stadiums located in there city, but what will they do about players i hear you ask? ah yes.

at the end of the applicants fill out sheet i will ask them to select a number of between one and twenty. This number will indicate what starter pack each player will get. A starter pack in the form of one similar to the Fifa 12 format. Meaning your squad will get filled out randomly, although the difference is these will be a high calibre of players. These starter packs have already been sorted out before hand and consist of two of each posistion, meaning each player will have twenty-two players and one manager. As it is randomly selected in the pack, after getting this pack a player will be gifted a budget by their club at approximately three hundred and fifty million pounds. Thus begins the transfer bidding between the different managers, for example, really want Lionel Messi? someone else got him in a pack? you can buy him at this stage. Although as some managers may want some depth in there squad there is an option to buy a Pack of just 3 randomly selected good players from £100,000,000.

The aim?
The same as any other competition really. Build the best possible squad you can to mount a title claim. Are you up to it?


if there are any problems with any part of the first post and/or you have a suggestion i can add to it please let me know
I think this goes in auction games and I don't really understand it.