
Jan 26, 2011
Reaction score
Im trying to sell off Eboue and sagna is getting fairly old for my arsenal side and i think there are better players but who could i get?? im looking for a right wing back thats pretty fast and attacking like alves is for barca and im prepared to spend up to 7mill.

So any suggestions?? Preferably someone young

Cheers :)
What year are you in?

Try Diego Renan, he's excellent.
im arsenal in my 3rd season. dennis appiah as the back up RB and Darijo Srna as main. i signed Srna for 15m and hes now my captain, very good player. can play at RM as well if you are short of players
Diego Renan is your man. He's a potential star and i'm guesing you're a few seasons into the game so get him. Also try Zuniga, he's good too.
I agree with DMF , Diego Renan is great . Sign him up!!(H)
Then stick with Bakary Sagna. He's world class for another 3 seasons at least.
4th season with Arsenal I had Sagna as first-choice with Aurier and Vrsaljko as back-ups. Aurier is really good and cheap if you get lucky and Lens get relegated in your save like they did in mine.
Aurier is a good player too.

But I was literally about to make an offer for him right now but Chelsea just signed him today. And by today, I mean the same day on the game that I was going to bid for him