
May 28, 2016
Reaction score

I'm new at the forum because I want to learn about the game I have liked for years.

So I'm at Arsenal at the moment in my 4th season. My transferbudget is 120 mil and I'm looking for a new big signing. I also got some contracts I need to renew before they run out. The problem is, the total salary of my team right now is around 24 million. For some reason, when I change the slider of the transfer budget to the left I can only get 23 million salary budget. To make a new signing and to renew my contracts I will need at least 26 million. Is there any reason I can't change it to more than 23 mil? the only option I have are between 117m/22m and 110m/23m. What I would like is something around 80m/26m.

Thanks a lot !
I've also encountered this and I wasn't able to adjust my transfer budget, probably, it's because your board restrict you do that due some reasons...
Ehhh.... sometimes the board restrict you from adjusting the budget and that sucks :(
Are you meeting FFP for wages? Your wage expenditure can only go up so much a season.