
Dec 6, 2008
Reaction score
Hey guys,

Just got the recent LFC Marshall update-doesn't matter what i've done with regards to training and pre season, Alexis' stats fall by at least one point EACH by the time the season starts. In fact, it's now the end of the transfer window and some of them have even dropped by TWO. Anyone else found this? Also worth noting that he hasn't been injured in that time either!
Hey guys,

Just got the recent LFC Marshall update-doesn't matter what i've done with regards to training and pre season, Alexis' stats fall by at least one point EACH by the time the season starts. In fact, it's now the end of the transfer window and some of them have even dropped by TWO. Anyone else found this? Also worth noting that he hasn't been injured in that time either!

I've seen this before. it's when the players attributes are too high for the players CA values in the editor. The game adjust him to have attributes more matching his ability.
I've seen this before. it's when the players attributes are too high for the players CA values in the editor. The game adjust him to have attributes more matching his ability.

I thought so. You'd have thought that anyone making an update would take that into account! Only thing is it's difficult to know how CA points actually correspond to attribute points...
I thought so. You'd have thought that anyone making an update would take that into account! Only thing is it's difficult to know how CA points actually correspond to attribute points...

I'd imagine they do but SI doesn't release exactly how much each stat is worth and it's dynamic as the high stats cost more while each attribute cost more for different positions. Try raising his CA and see if that hepls.