SC Wiener Neustadt - Rise Above The Alps.

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Apr 26, 2012
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"Thanks a lot Mr. Rottensteiner, I owe a huge debt to you now. But I'll repay you with bringing lots of trophies and success here a this club. I'm going to head over to the training ground right now to introduce myself to the boys. I'll let you go, bye"

"Good luck Mr. Linz, You're going to need it !"

I shook hands with the chairman and left his office. I had just signed a 2 year deal to become the manager of his club, SC Wiener Neustadt. A team from the Austrian Bundesliga. A man with no experience in management just yet, I was surprised he gave me this chance to get out there and prove my worth. After a career in the lower leagues in the country my name isn't exactly as well known as Andreas Herzog or Toni Poller. But i was determined to make it as big. I want Peter Linz to be the name on everyone's lips worldwide. So, as i told the chairman. I was going to make the 10 minute car journey to the training facilities to introduce myself to the players before we start our pre-season regime before the big season kicks off. I got in my BMW X5 and I went speeding off. The adrenaline and excitement i was experiencing could have killed me at the speed i was going. I arrived within 3 or 4 minutes of my frenzy.

I got out the car, and the team had already assembled at the entrance of the facilities. They all had a confused look on their faces, they turned to each other looking for answers as to who i was. I went over, and shook hands with the players and instructed them to go into the dressing room for a 5 minute chat with the lads just to let them know who i am and what I intend to do here. The players all sat down, As the time for me to talk got closer my words and thoughts froze. The players started to laugh at me, As if i was some sort of loser. I finally began ..

"Ok lads. I'm your new manager here at the club. My name is Peter Linz. I'm 34 years old. I recently just passed my UEFA coaching license. As a boy I grew up supporting Rapid Wien, I played for their teams in the youth ranks for years before a spinal injury screwed my chances of ever making it. I spent my years making a living in the lower leagues in the country. Things are going to change around here, I have some great ideas and you're a really talented bunch, Football is all about entertainment and enjoyment. That's how training will be done, that's how pre matches shall be done. On the pitch we are going to battle. Fight for the cause, For the Fans, For the community. We give 110% every ******* time you cross that touchline. Now there are a few rules I will be enforcing with immediate effect. Number 1 - If you are late for training, You do not start the game that weekend. Number 2 - If I see ANYONE with their hands on their hips on the training pitch or in an actual game. You'll either be fined or substituted. I'm going to be really strict but I want you lads to have a good laugh with your team mates. I have organised a skiing trip up in the Alps. Besides skiing, there will be a heavy fitness regime in place to get ready for the big season. Say goodbye to your families tonight as their isn't a telephone for 50 miles where we are going. Please don't bring your own electronic devices. You'll see them in a week. If you are found with any devices it will be thrown down the mountainside and you'll be fined 2 weeks wages
. I'd like to wish you all luck for the season. Be here 6am tomorrow morning for the trip. If you think I'm a **** and don't like the way I've conducted our first meeting please say so during the next week. I'm open to changing my ways. Go and get some rest, we're up early"

I thought that went really well. They seemed to be understanding. I'm looking forward to the trip up in the Alps. Good chance to bond with the players and get them on my side. The big season starts soon and we'l need to put in a good effort to stay up in the league. I asked the assistant manager to stay back for an hour as i needed a good insight into the teams strengths, weaknesses, best players, deadwood. I invited him into my brand now office that looked onto the snowy mountainside. It was lovely, Brand new wooden furniture, a lovely big iMac, with top of the range software I could use for tactics, player reports from the scouts at the club. It was a dream, for a small club the facilities where really good. The assistants name is Mario Posch, he had played twice for the Austrian national team, So obviously had some great knowledge of the game, and he had experience. But during our talk we didn't seem to have any chemistry, But I was going to give him the week to see if a working partnership would benefit the club and me of course. He gave me a decent insight on the team. It went like ...

So, Who is the captain of the team ?

We don't have one Peter, You'll have to chose !

Last season, What formation best suited the players ?

We had a really poor season last time out, I'd consider bringing your own tactics into the team.

I'll make sure I have the right tactic to bring the team forward in the future, Who's the best player in the team?

Definitely Michael Schwarz, He's 18 and this will be his first professional season, But my word what a player he'll be.

What areas of the squad do you think we'll need to invest in for the up and coming season ?

We'll need a new centre half, a winger, a goalkeeper and a playmaker who'will look to control each game.

I think i have enough to go on for now, i'll see you tomorrow morning

I got a lot of information from the assistant coach. I went home and packed one weeks worth of clothing, i wanted this week to be perfect. I had big plans for it to go well. I left the training ground. It was a very interesting first day in charge of SC Wiener Neustadt.


It was 5:30am. The alarm i previously set the night before repeatedly sirened around my new flat on the outskirts of Wien. I made a flask of coffee, had a quick shower and set off on the journey to the training centre. I was the first their. 5:59am. I think these lads were testing my patience. 6:00am. The whole squad arrived in a huge line of luxurious cars. It was like being in a millionaires showroom. I blew a breath of relief. I thought they were going to take the ****. We got on the coach and set off on our 197 mile journey to the Austrian Alps. There was a surprise in store. The lads would be out camping in -5 degrees 12000 ft high. This would be a real test of their characters. As we set off, The lads started singing. My assistant told me it was the clubs only anthem. Which was disappointing, I wanted the place rocking every time the players stepped onto the pitch, on our own patch. And away from home also. As we got closer to our destination. I stood up and announced the following

"Lads, As you know. We'll be in the Austrian Alps in a pre season training camp. But what you didn't know was, That we will be outdoors camping in the freezing cold weather for the next 6 nights. You'll be running up and down these snowy mountains til your balls fall off from the cold. We need to get you to your physical peek. This will be very difficult for you all. But I can assure you that it'll be worth it in the long run. It's currently 10:28. You go on your first run at 11:30, I'll be doing this with you along with the rest of the backroom staff. This will be a team effort, And we'll support each other the whole week, We'll set up camp as soon as we arrive and we'll get going. Good Luck !"


Finally we arrived at our base for the week, We'd hardly be spending any time there. Apart from having our barbecue each night and of course when we go to sleep in our tents. We set up the tents, 3 players a tent. I told the lads to put some appropriate gear on and off we went a jog around the Alps. The picturesque scenery was hard to take in, It was so stunning, absolutely beautiful. The beautiful still, blue lake was the cream of the crop in this image. We had been running for 13 minutes. And already everyone was shattered. A lot of hard work will need to be put in to get these guys to full fitness and be ready for the start of the league. We stopped for a few minutes to catch our breath and take our stunning surroundings in. We continued running round the mountainside for another 2 hours. Then we assembled back at camp. Forcing 1000 press ups and 500 sit ups on the lads. I joined in, It was really tough going. At my age my natural fitness is beginning to take a dramatic decline, I spewed my guts out. This for the next 6 days. I didn't think i could cope. We went skiing the next day, which was a really good laugh. The first signs of squad harmony where starting to shine through the thick snow of the Austrian Alps. For the next 4 days, we stuck to the routine first set, 3 hour jog, big hill-walk, 1000 press ups, 1000 sit ups rounded off with a race with uphill with a team mate on their back. Our little excursion really built a togetherness within the group. We packed our cases and back to Wien we went. With a good squad harmony it was time to get down to the footballing side of things ...
We returned home, And arrived at the training centre. Noone could get off the coach. We could barely move. I told the lads that they could take the next few days off. They deserved it, they were outstanding each and every one of them. They have a phenomenal work ethos and I'll be looking for such commitments on the field of play. With a big limp i entered the building and with a big struggle i reached my office. I sat on my big leather chair, and enjoyed the considerably warmer temperature as compared to the Alps. I logged onto the iMac and accessed my e-mails. Offers from agents, Reports from the only scout at the club, i had one from the chairman of the club sitting at the top of the list. I opened it accordingly, it read.

Mr Linz

For this season we have set the following objectives and expectations. To keep yourself in the job, We must remain in the Austrian Bundesliga for the 2012/2013 season. And we also expect that the team reach the quarter finals of the domestic cups. To reach your objectives, We have given you a budget of 2.3 million euros to manoeuvre in the transfer market. With a wage budget of 48.5k to satisfy players wage demands. The current wage bill stands at 30,581 euros.

Best of luck for the season
Mr. Rottensteiner

A very good budget for such a small club, I could definitely get some brand new fresh faces in to freshen up the squad. The player reports the scout sent me where rotten, The players he had chosen were not good enough for the team. I need a whole new backroom staff. The current one doesn't meet my standards. I phoned in the scout for a chat, He arrived 15 minutes later, in that time. I was practicing what i was going to say to the scout, i wasn't very good at breaking bad news.

Hello, What was it you wanted me to come in for ?

Well, I've been looking at your player reports. And frankly they aren't good enough. These players don't meet the standards i intend to set around here, I mean Callum Stewart. He plays for ****** Peterhead in Scotland for christ sakes. I'm sorry but i'll be letting you go. The chairman will pay you off. Good luck if you ever get a job, But that's unlikely. So bye.

I'm such a horrible *******, but it had to be done. I intend to be this tough on anyone who isn't good enough to be here at the club. I intended to break bad news to more of the staff. But not all today, I was looking for a new scout now, and fast. I looked through a list of unemployed scouts, none where well known. But I got on the phone to one.


Is this Hilmar Weilandt ?

Yes, Who is this ?

My name is Peter Linz, I'm the new manager of SC Wiener Neustadt, I hear your currently without a club.

Yes, I've not had a job in football since i left Rostock 3 seasons ago. What do you want ?

Well, we are currently without any scouts at all. And we were wondering if you'd like to help us out ?

In Austria, No way. Not for a scouting job !

Please, We could really be doing with someone of your stature.

How much are we talking ?

600 euros a week, 20k for every player we sign from your reports.

That's a fair deal, I'll get the first flight over.

Ok, Bye for now.

With that out the way, I could now go home and get into my big comfortable bed. The thing i missed most. Shame i don't have 2 days off like the rest of the lads. But the work begins now, the football stuff. Studying opposition, talking to agents, players, getting training regimes set up, organising pre-season friendlies. The job was starting to get exciting ... Just as i was leaving, I got a fax in. It was from the chairman. It was the transfer list, There was some big names on it. Nene from PSG, Joaquin from Malaga, John Obi Mikel from Chelsea. I started crossing out their names immediately, We couldn't afford a tenth of their wages. Then a few more unrecognisable names started appearing, the names would be waiting for the new scout in his office. I left, and went for a 14 hour sleep. It was well deserved in my opinion

I set up a meeting with the new scout a few days later, I previously left him a list of players i wanted a report on from the transfer list. He was in the office before me, Which gave me an impressive impression on him.

Hello Peter, I'm Hilmar. I guess i'm the new scout around here.

How you doing, safe journey ?

Yeah, So Iv'e created a file on this USB stick for player reports. There's like 34 player reports. Some Iv'e just made from previous experience being a scout in Germany. I hope this helps, Listen i really need to go back to Germany to clear some things up. I'll be back with more reports for you soon.

Thats fine Hilmar, I'll take a look at these right now. Thanks a lot. See you later !

These reports where just magnificent, they had players strengths, weaknesses, player availability, current ability ratings, potential ability. These were top of the range reports. What a signing this guy has been already. I now had a good idea on who i wanted to sign for the club. I drew up my final list of targets :-

Atem Cen (free agent) AMR
Johnnier Montano (end of contract) AMC
Mouhammadou N'Diaye (55k) CB
Jakub Rezezniczak (600k) RB
Ahmad Sharbini (16k) ST

I contacted the agents of each player.

Atem Cen is attracting interest from fellow Bundesliga club LASK Linz but agreed a provisional deal of 1,700 euros p/w but is welcoming other offers before he puts pen to paper.


Johnnier Montano has accepted a 3 year deal worth 4,900 euros p/w but Cluj could seal a deal as they are offering a much more lucrative contract.


Mouhammadou N'Diaye awaits a work permit before sealing his move from Guimaraes of Portugal.


Jakub Rezezniczak will make a move from Poland to Austria in a deal worth 3,700 euros p/w. But Terek Grozny have also put a bid in to lure the right back to Russia


Ahmad Sharbini has recieved offers from 3 seperate clubs for his services. Maritimo are the favourites to secure his signature

I'm really happy I've got in contact with a few quality players and all they need to do now is to sign the contract. We could be aiming for Europe this season if these players decide to join, and i don't see why not. We are a club who's only going one way, and that's up !

With all my transfer targets now signed with the club. It was time to introduce this years tactics. I had a hard long think about the tactics I'd use. Studying the teams performances last year, making sure our strengths are in mind, and are weaknesses weren't exploited. For weeks now I have been on the computer trying to come up with the perfect one. The football also had to be attractive for the fans. It was pointless them paying 20 euros every fortnight to watch some load of bullshit. It was 3 days before our first friendly, a visit to FC BW Linz. I was just maneuvering each of my strongest 11 around when i finally saw it. This tactic would be disciplined, counter attacking football. On the deck, playing the game at a slow tempo. The defence would sit quite deep, But the two full backs would be bombing forward at every opportunity to help in attack. We'd play a flat back four with to anchormen in midfield, and two wingers pushed right up the pitch supporting the loan striker. I wanted the players to try and hit as many shots possible testing the goalkeeper as often as they can. I want the full backs to hit the byline and cross the ball in for our 6 ft 5 target man. His job is to hold the ball up and wait for support from the two wingers, their pace will be unmatched in the league. This is going to be a big season for the club. I called in a team meeting before training started. And explained the new game plans. The game against Linz wasn't really important i told them, but just focus on running as much as we can, we need to get fit !

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After the team meeting, I went out to the training pitch and set up a few drills. Small squares for passing a ball around at a slow tempo, Pinging the ball into the striker, so he can hold the ball up. An 11 v 11 game for the fullbacks to push as far forward as they could. My plan was coming together, A few of the lads stayed back after training to hit the gym. It was that kind of commitment i needed from them. Michael Schwarz wasn't hitting the gym. He wanted to have a word with me in my office

(no picture available)

So what is you wanted to see me for son ?

I want a move, away from here. I'm far too good for this club, even the old manager said it. Get me a move, or i'll refuse to play.

Now you listen here kid. Don't dare come in here with that attitude. Plus your not getting a move, your stuck here for the next 4 years. If we keep a hold of you til your maybe 25 years old. You'll develop into one of the best players in the world. And i can assure you that. Please trust me on this one, I was like that when i was your age, I didn't want to be stuck in the lower divisions, but because of my stinking attitude i was held there the rest of my days. I have big plans for you son, you'll be starting the first friendly. Don't let me down !

Boss i'm really sorry, I'll start putting my heart into things around here, And i hope you keep your promise. I'll see you tomorrow.

I felt really angry after the meeting, although he did come to his senses. I can't have that sort of attitude around the camp. But i can't have this kid leaving the club. He's far to talented. We'll make some big bucks on him in the future, that's for sure. After the meeting, I looked through the rest of our pre season fixture list. We had a few big names coming to our stadium to play, in Lille And Havre AC. We also had arranged friendlies for

FC BW Linz (a) - 19.6.11
Vaduz (h) - 26.6.11
Wiener Sportklub (a) - 28.6.11
Havre AC (h) - 2.7.11
Lille (h) - 6.7.11

I was really looking forward to the Lille game, The champions of France coming to a small club like us was going to be a huge honour, Players like Eden Hazard, Joe Cole. Noone of their stature had played on the ground before. It was going to be a big day for the club. I left the training centre, and went home to prepare my first team talk for the game in a few days in time.
