May 13, 2010
Reaction score
Im going to try set a game up maybe in the Skrill Premier with the aim of everyone working their way up the divisions hopefully.Quite fancy strting off in the lower leagues but open to suggestions.
Anyway,the main point of my thread was that hopefully if i can get a game going with another few people the game will be timetabled to run at nights from 8pm onwards,then if no-one shows up for a session then they have at least been told the session times and there are no mis-understandings anywhere,as personally i think this is the only way it works if we are all agreed on times in principle.

There wont be a timer on the game so it isnt going to be rushed.Hopefully if the right guys come along we can get started up tonight at 8pm (20.00GMT)

Steam name is steff_fae_larky if you are interested in joining up

thanks for reading.
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yeah ill play and can we have skrill premier and germany spain italy france?
the 06th January 2014,this is a brand new clan wading about in the murky depths of the lower leagues in England.Consisting so far of 3 members,this clan is aimed at getting into the fantastic series of Football Manager 2014,show off our management skills to the world and go on to reach the promised land of the Barclays Premier League.

Players involved may not always be the best at football management games but its the taking part that counts,sticking by your team through thick and thin,enjoying the successes and dealing with the failures,we hope that the guys involved in our clan,now or later in the months and years to come can have a good bit of banter flying around.

Please do not post in this thread if you wish to join the immortals clan as it is invitation only. From the current players I want to see lots of banter both in here and in chat when playing. One more VERY IMPORTANT point is updates. I want everybody to be posting regular updates in this thread when we get started. No excuses from anybody!!! Lets keep the thread&save alive.The game is usually played from 8pm onwards until a majority vote,usually around 2am.
In the event of no nights play this will be informed to the clan 24hours in notice.
At present we are 1 game into the season,pre season has been completed.
Should you wish to join the clan please Pm myself with a brief description of yourself,your Fm experience,steam name and where you are from and any other details u feel relevant.

Players involved at present
Geir Ove-Kidderminster

I hope everyone enjoys reading the regular updates from myself and the other members who are involved in our game,this is my first attempt at hosting a clan and doing the whole update stuff so i hope u guys wont be too critical on me.

Thanks for reading and enjoy the series.
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