Second Season Nausea

May 30, 2006
Reaction score
I dunno why but with teams I usually perfrom far worse in the second season, than in the first, without any greatly significant changes. A efw new signings here and there...but apart from that I'm not sure what could be pegging me down.:|
Seems to happen to a lot of people.

Teams will start to get used to the way you play, the tactics, instructions etc, make sure you change them in the second season...

Every game i had i had this, apart from one where i won the EPL and UEFA in second season after 8th place and 1st round knockout in first :D
It happens a lot when you over-perform with a lesser team mainly because in the first season other teams wern't really expecting you to do so well. So in the second season your teams rep will be higher so teams won't get caught out as much.