Second season problem

May 19, 2011
Reaction score
Hi, i have got a not small problem. I play with real madrid. I use my own tactic, 1st season = suberb. I won la liga, not even lost one match. Won champions League (final with inter 3-0). But in second season i have only problems. In 10 first matches my players got 8 red cards (couple of them in first 15 minutes of match), and many, many yellows. They have 20-30 shots on goal, and 2-4 on target (realy!). They shot posts when 2 meters from goal... Even the goal occasions have dropped from 6 (1st season) to 1 (second season).I dont know what happend. Maybe something with training, or tactics (i didn't change anything since season one, only match preperations).

Do you have any idea what is going on?
Could be a number of things ---

1) Overconfidence is a possibility: see what your Asst. Manager is saying in his feedback about your players.
2) Check Match Preparation and look under 'Current' to see if your team is familiar with your tactics
3) Team chemistry might be low if you've just bought many new players - again, check your Assistant's feedback
4) Morale might be low/average
5) Your tactic might be stale. It does happen occasionally as the AI begins to expect your tactics.

Don't know about the red cards - just be sure to have private chats about performance and fine them for the cards. Give it 5-10 more games.

Good luck!