Set piece Woes

Gareth Hazell

Dec 4, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys i was wondering if you could give me some help with set pieces as im not really gettin much out of Corners anymore and well Free Kicks i have had no joy with for years now in my save! so i was wondering if any of you guys have had some joy with set pieces? If so could post up SS so i can evaluate and incorperate them into my tatics that i will be making for the 2019 season a head... Cheers for any help in advance =)
Do you play classic or Tc mode. If classic just put everybody to lurk outside, your best header in the box and you have 50+ goals a season. If on the other hand you want a realistic corner statistic then I choose this (always top of goals from corners (15-20) in the Championship every time I've played - which is a lot since I get ****** off with defeats in the Premeir and start over again - patience is not one of my best attributes).
Free kicks are just bog standard cross centre

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I usually use TC mode tho some times i do occasionally use classic. Atm im just about to start my 2018-2019 season with Doncaster and the AI has gotten used to the current tactics that im using.. So any fresh insight will be really useful.. With the Free Kick tactic that you use, how often do u usually get goals from it per season
I usually use TC mode tho some times i do occasionally use classic. Atm im just about to start my 2018-2019 season with Doncaster and the AI has gotten used to the current tactics that im using.. So any fresh insight will be really useful.. With the Free Kick tactic that you use, how often do u usually get goals from it per season

About 10-12 goals per season. Some people have a player for a near post flick on (on near post corners) as well as a DC but I feel they get in each others way. Far post corner requires a really good corner taker (plus good at crossing), near post doesn't require as much skill.