Setting Future Kits?


Dec 22, 2012
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I've been looking at all these brilliant fantasy kits available, and trying to work out if there's a way to set them to update automatcially in your game as the seasons progress, ie, changing every few game years to the next file in a folder?

I assumed not, just wanted to throw it out there as it would be awesome and keep the game fresh. I get that you can do it manually by changing file names and reloading the skin at the start of a new season, but it's not the same!
Any ideas?
Nope. Gotta be manual, i looked into for changing the match ball and nets. I just do it on July the 1st. New seasons..

New Match Ball
New Kits
New Nets
Thanks for the reply, I'd feared as much but then I noticed that you could set the years for the match colours in the editor and got a false glimmer of hope!

So how do you go about it? Download all the fantasy kits that you can find, save them with a different number after each one (team_home1.png, team_home2...) and then just increment the number in the config file at the start of each season?

I suppose if you just saved them all in a kit folder at the start of your game without really looking at them, and then kept the config file separate (but pointing to the kit folder) it would even be a surprise each time which new kit you get? haha
I'd just set a calender reminder in game for 1st July, then find a new one online to overwrite the current file.. clear cahce refresh job done .