Shamrock Rovers - The Irish Charm


Feb 25, 2012
Reaction score
I had just came back from the game at Tallaght, my local club had just been crowned champions of the Republic of Ireland for the 16th time, and for the first time in over 16 years. It was a fabulous moment to be involved in, Gary Twigg scoring in the last minute to seal a 2-2 draw against Bray Wanderers, was just enough to beat our main rivals Bohemians on the final day on goal difference. This only made the day 10 times sweeter. I couldn't celebrate properly with the lads that day, as I had my own amateur game an hour later, this was also a big game. The regional cup final against our main rivals Collar Town F.C. The game kicked off, and 20 minutes in, i was given the ball on the left flank. I nutmegged the right winger, and flicked the ball over the head of the 6 ft 4 right back, but he had none of it. He closelined me, it was something like you would see in WWE. I landed on my head, and heard something snap in my body. I remained still, i was incapacitated. I heard the whistle blow. I then failed in a feeble attempt to move my head to see what was going on, Are you alright Shay? Oh he's ******. Call An ambulance!! All these things where ringing in my ears. I knew myself i was in deep ****. Millions of things were going through my head. "I'll never be able to walk again", "I'll die a virgin", "I'll never play football again". Moments later an ambulance arrived. The match had to be abandoned, as it took almost 40 minutes for them to get me on the stretcher and into the ambulance ...

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I must have passed out, I woke up with a back brace on me. I couldn't move. I was terrified. My best mate Bobby told me of the events of yesterdays final.​

"Well you took it by one player, then chipped that big 7 footer at right back, and he just closelined you. You flew maybe 8 ft in the air before landing on your head, i knew something was immediately wrong Shay, i heard something snap."

just then the doctor walked in, he sighed and said ...

"You are awake Mr. McGeady, thank goodness. I'm sorry b
ut the news isn't good. There is only a 10% chance you will ever walk again. This man must have hit you with some force. Your spine is shattered. We had you in surgery for 9 hours and managed to repair some of the damage. You will certainly never play sports again, it's just not going to happen. I sincerely do apologise and wish you the best in the future. Dr Khamil will be looking after you from now on, its expected you'll be here for 2 or 3 more months.

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Those words devastated me. I was speechless, they hit me like a freight train, it was hard to take in. I started to cry, tear after tear strolled down my face for the next 5 minutes, Bobby tried to convince me everything was going to be ok, but i wouldn't listen, he wasn't the expert. 10% chance of walking again. **** me it was terrifying. I started to get the feeling back in my arms, which was the only positive of the whole day. I turned on the TV in my hospital room, and the sports roundup was just about to begin. There was breaking news ...

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Just one day after winning the Irish Premier Division, Michael O'Neill has been fired as manager of Shamrock Rovers F.C, as he was seen drinking with IRA officials last night and went home with one of them to party throughout the night along with other IRA members. O'Neill led 'the hoops' to a first title in 16 years, winning on goal difference against their main rivals Bohemians. Fans of the club are already protesting outside O'Neill's Dublin home and are disgusted by what they thought was a new club legends actions. Shamrock Rovers made a statement moments ago saying :

"Mr O'Neill's actions have let our pro
ud club down, he hasn't just let us down, but also himself. Our club will take absolutely nothing to do with the IRA. Yesterday was the proudest moment of my life and we knew we had a rising star in O'Neill and we believed he would become a prize asset. We would like to welcome any qualified person to apply for the job and all applicants will be considered seriously"
More bad news, Definitely the worst day of my life. I got told there's very little chance of me walking again, now a new club legend let's our whole community down. I was in need of a good laugh, i phoned Bobby and asked him to get me an application form for the Shamrock Rovers job. He started laughing, i then told him it was just for a laugh and he agreed, that it was a laugh. The following day he came up with an envelope in his hand. Our faces beamed, my arms weren't fully working yet so he had to fill it in. The application form went like this:

Shamrock Rovers Vacant Managerial Spot Application Form

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Name: Shay McGeady
Date Of Birth: 17th of April 1985
Hometown and Nationality: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Favoured Club: Shamrock Rovers
Experience in the management: ...

Oh ****, i had none. I've only ever played, i did manage my little brother school team. When i was 20, we won the Dublin league. Better stick that in i thought to myself. Then the the next part of the form

Any additional comments: Soon to be registered paraplegic.

At that point me and Bobby were in fits of laughter. He left after visiting had finished and the application form was sent ...

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I had nowundergone intense rehab too try and get some feeling back in my legs. It had been 3 months since the accident happened. My arms where ok now, they were in better shape than ever. I just couldn't walk. Not even with the support of a zimmer or crutches. But i hadn't lost hope, i was determined to get back to playing the beautiful game, or even coaching it. I hadn't heard anything from Shamrock Rovers, but then a manager hadn't yet been announced. It was December now but the season doesn't start back for another 3 months. Jim Magilton was the heavy favourite to land the job, he was assistant to O'Neill in his time there. I had gone through a tough rehab session, and i was aloud home for the first time since October, it was great to see the old place again. I lay on the couch and looked on the Sky Sports News website as the TV bills hadn't been paid.

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Jim Magilton last night r
uled himself out the possibility of him becoming the next manager of Shamrock Rovers but admitted he would love to stay in the Assistant managers role at Tallaght. The job became available after Michael O'Neill was fired after being seen with IRA officials, only one day after winning the league title. Now Magilton has ruled himself out of the running, the bookies favourite has turned too Kilmarnock manager Kenny Shiels. His attractive style of play has excited many Shamrock Rovers fans and they are delighted such a manager has been linked with the job. The hoops have came out and said there may be a surprise appointment but nothing is final yet.

This is my chance i thought to myself, I genuinely believe the "surprise appointment" was me. I just had to wait and find out though ...​
After every rehab session, i was getting stronger. The best one ever was on the 2nd of January 2012. My physio demanded that I try walk 3 steps. It was insanely difficult, i collapsed back onto my wheel chair maybe 40 times. I was losing patience with myself and my weak legs. 1 step, 2 step, 3 step. Bang, i collapsed onto the floor. I managed 3 steps, but i was out cold, it was exhausting. I woke up dazed, my physio had my phone in her hand, "it's an unknown number, will i answer it?" she asked. I grabbed the phone off her and answered it.

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"hello, is this Shay McGeady"

"yes, who is calling?"

"My name is Jonathan Roche, I'm the chairman of Shamrock Rovers, it's abo
ut your application form"

"not too impressive was it eh?"

"no it wasn't, but i'm going to make it impressive, come by the stadium next Tuesday for an interview. I'll see you shortly. Before i hang up, is it true your'e in a wheelchair"

unfortunately, will i not bother coming then?"

"yes, please do. I'll see yo
u next week."

I started fistp
umping, it was a little embarrasing. But i was just delighted to hear that. I phoned up Bobby, he thought i was bullshitting. Then we both shared a chuckle. I told him to pick me up and take me to the tailors for a nice new suit.

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Hahahahah IRA officials. Fantastic start lad!