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Feb 9, 2009
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There is a way of increasing your wage budget, but whether the board will allow you to do it or not, I do not know. When you're offering the wages there should be a button below all the facts about the offer, saying 'Adjust Budget'. This will take you to the 'Board Room' screen. In the bottom-left corner, click the 'Adjust Budget' button, and from there you have the option to adjust either budget.

Despite this, I do not think that Torres will sign for you. If, however, you finish the season above Liverpool, possibly without them reaching European football, he will sign for you. Have a look at someone like Hulk from Porto, or Oscar Cardozo. They are two very good strikers, who should get you a few goals.
or you should buy arshavin i was in the second season and he scored 20 goals and 15 assists
dont sell robinho jus give him these instructions to the max attcking, free role, run with ball and get someone like cardozo for him to feed off and get him to hold up the ball
If i see one more Man City thread im gunna slit my wrists
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