Catholic cardinal criticises gay marriage plans.

Some people NEED to believe in something. Sure, there is no "proof" that a God exists, but that doesn't make it less real to some people?

Because religion spreads by indoctrinating children into believing it from the moment they're born, so by the time they're actually capable of rational and critical thought, the thought is too embedded that it feels alien to lose that feeling. "Feeling" God is just the result of spending 12 years that everything you see is "feeling" him. There have been experiments done that induce the sense of "feeling" a supernatural being around you by stimulating certain areas of the brain.
Point is, NO ONE should tell people who or what to believe in. That's up to them.

Fine, but GTFO trying to implement your archaic bullshit beliefs on society where the majority don't want or believe in what you're preaching to them. If any regular guy got up off the street and said this, there'd be outrage. Yet, because it's religion, we have to be tolerable and respectable. Why? Religion causes far, far more harm than good.

If I told you I believed in Santa as the almighty, and that gravity was the result of invisible pixies forcing masses towards each other, you'd be in hysterics at me. If I wanted to do something deemed socially unacceptable because of this belief, I'm fairly certain I wouldn't be able to get away with it.

Oh, and I'm perfectly tolerable of all religions, it's just when they try and have any sort of influence on my society that they really annoy me.
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I have no problem with people believing in God and/or being a Christian, but I do have a problem with people like the cardinal who are completely intolerant and ignorant of other people's choices, trying to force his ridiculous, outdated views on everyone else.
What is the difference between marriage and a civil partnership anyway? :S

Think married couples have a few legal rights that a civil partnership doesn't have. For example: Israel and a lot of states in the USA won't acknowledge a civil partnership in the same way that they'd recognise a marriage.