
Jul 1, 2012
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I was just wondering is anyone as sad as me and try to mirror the signing strategy that the club you take over as Transfer Policy to any extent?


Ajax / Celtic /Porto /Southampton - only buy players and look to sell them on?

Real/Chelsea/Man City - not wasting too much time on youth development and more on ready made stars?

or things like

Only signing domestic based players?

or like the David Moyes type approach for Everton basically spend all your budget on one or two good players and rely on your current squad

Has anyone done these in the philosophies and had success or more intriguing i guess not had success?
Chelsea and City have the most succesful youth academies in the country at the min, City have invested 500mil in the squads and new development area this season, had a record 8 players called into the England u18/u16 set up, but i get your point.

i always ty and mix and match if i can. Ready made in seasons 1-3, and rely on blooding youth for season 5ish onwards
I know it's almost like having a youth academy for the sake of it with these big clubs very rarely do you see any of them actually get more than the odd capital one cup game and even then it's all in vein cause they tend to be loaned out for a few years and just become forgotten about.

I agree with your approach there - I think that it would be good( Equally as frustrating) if you had more input from the board with regards to signing strategies - I think it's something today's Manager has less and less of a say.
City only just invested in theres last two years and moved into the new training complex (seen it things awesome) last 2 weeks. so i'm hoping the above approach is a bit easier than it has been in past fm's :)
I was thinking PSG would be good for a youth challenge to see how the board react to the change rather than signing big players