Sir. Norman Wisdom dies aged 95


Absolute legend of comedy. Sad, very sad.
Much loved legend! RIP.
Genuinely upset by this news. Sir Norman lived a stone's throw away from my old house in Andreas, IOM whilst I was growing up (before he moved due to ill health.) He was exactly like the man on screen and used to come into the local shop regularly and was always jolly, and always singing and dancing for the kids etertainment. I think he lived for the sole purpose of making people feel happy and I count myself lucky to have met him on a few occasions.. R.I.P.
Sad loss to the comedy world. They probably will have a bank holiday in Albania for him. R.I.P.

Popularity in Albania
Wisdom was a cult icon in Albania, where he was the only Western actor whose films were allowed in the country during the dictatorship of Enver Hoxha. He was known as "Mr Pitkin" after the Gump character from his films. In 1995, he visited the post-Stalinist country, where to his surprise he was greeted by many appreciative fans including the then president of Albania, Sali Berisha. On a visit in 2001, which coincided with the England football team playing Albania in the city of Tirana (of which Norman was granted the freedom in 1995),[15][16] his presence at the training ground eclipsed even that of David Beckham. He appeared on the pitch before the start of the Albania v England match wearing a half Albanian and half English football shirt. He was well received by the crowd especially when he performed one of his trade mark trips on his way out to the centre circle.

From Wikipedia
Lived a great life, you can't really ask for more.
