so so so fed up with constant corrupted save games.....

Mar 15, 2012
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Ok heres a backstory.....I bourght football manager 2011 and I played fine with it, until I started getting constant corrupted save game files, non loadable saves, xml errors the works.....I foolishly shelled out on 2012 because I love the games and wanted to give it another chance.

I CANNOT BELIVE that in 2012 the same errors come up? what the **** have sports interactive been doing?

since I started playing 2012 ive had 3 games mess up on me, I know how to fix the parsing error by deleting settings folder and I know to save regualy etc with the 3 file rolling save setup however im still for some reason getting save games corrupted.

Case in point my latest one, been playing for a couple of days up to about febuary 2014 save the game last night turn it off all propaly exiiting the game after save not just switching the pc off.

go to play this morning......`this save game cannot be loaded` I go to use the (1) and (2) files from the 3 file rolling thing only to find for some reason although they load they havnt updated since september of that season.

so all the play I put in last night which involved some pretty time consuming decisions etc is gone and im tottaly fed up of it.

is there anyway to recover these corrupted saves? if not im just going to quit, whats the point in playing a game tyhat constantly corrupts its own files and forces you time and time again over the same progress, to say im ****** off is an understatement.
If it's an xml parsing error, its not that big a deal, your screen might get ****** up and everything will move slightly to the left yet still be clickable. Press ok for the 5 or 6 errors that come up, continue the game for a day, save it and reload it, problem will have gone.
If it's an xml parsing error, its not that big a deal, your screen might get ****** up and everything will move slightly to the left yet still be clickable. Press ok for the 5 or 6 errors that come up, continue the game for a day, save it and reload it, problem will have gone.

no the error im having now is suddently without seemengly any reason not being able to load save games, this being when ive saved and exited propaly then tried to load them again.

I need to find a way recover the save games I cant get into and stop this happening.
This is happening to me as well just logged on and found someone with the same problem as me grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
If its happening to you all the time. It's your system and your poor maintenance of it.

Most people have never experienced a corrupted save, crash dump or xml error.

I suggest reading this thread:

And trying all the options listed, you may wish to have a look in these threads also:

Recovering saves is difficult. But those steps should ensure that crashes and corruptions don't happen again, providing your computer system as a whole is in good shape. Ie a defragmented hard drive, updated drivers, programs, update the OS if necessary. Viruses and other unwanted intrusions can also mess with your system. Give your computer a thorough health check and start from scratch.
Also you can send any corrupted game to SI and they may be able to fix it (instructions on how to do it in my help thread that Jake has listed)
If its happening to you all the time. It's your system and your poor maintenance of it.

Most people have never experienced a corrupted save, crash dump or xml error.

I suggest reading this thread:

And trying all the options listed, you may wish to have a look in these threads also:

Recovering saves is difficult. But those steps should ensure that crashes and corruptions don't happen again, providing your computer system as a whole is in good shape. Ie a defragmented hard drive, updated drivers, programs, update the OS if necessary. Viruses and other unwanted intrusions can also mess with your system. Give your computer a thorough health check and start from scratch.

Sorry but it is the game itself, been there done that when I had the problem with the 2011 game, drive is 0% fragmented pc is regulaly maintained and looked after, not only that but this is a gaming pc with a lot of titles installed on manager is the only title I have an issue with.

So anyone got any other ideas? and any idea if I can obtain a refund for a faulty title? (bourght with steam) I mean a game that wont let you load any saves on random occasions has a pretty major flaw id say!

I wont be playing this series again, the games themselves are awesome however im fed up of the frustration of losing saved game after saved game and having to start over because si cannot get the bugs out of there game!
Sorry but it is the game itself, been there done that when I had the problem with the 2011 game, drive is 0% fragmented pc is regulaly maintained and looked after, not only that but this is a gaming pc with a lot of titles installed on manager is the only title I have an issue with.

So anyone got any other ideas? and any idea if I can obtain a refund for a faulty title? (bourght with steam) I mean a game that wont let you load any saves on random occasions has a pretty major flaw id say!

I wont be playing this series again, the games themselves are awesome however im fed up of the frustration of losing saved game after saved game and having to start over because si cannot get the bugs out of there game!

No you wont get a refund, because its much more likely your system.

If you want help, give us more information. are you using custum logos? edited databases? soundcard and drivers upto date etc? because im playing on a 5 year old laptop, i havent had a a crash dump since fm08.

If you crash dump as regularly as you do, thats a system conflict.
No you wont get a refund, because its much more likely your system.

If you want help, give us more information. are you using custum logos? edited databases? soundcard and drivers upto date etc? because im playing on a 5 year old laptop, i havent had a a crash dump since fm08.

If you crash dump as regularly as you do, thats a system conflict.

I dont crash at all, the games fine until I go to load a save game then I just get the message `this save game cannot be loaded`

the game shows no signs of anything wrong while in play, it saves fine, exits fine and its only on trying to reload the save I have the issue, as for info im not using anything custom im playing the default game with default database and skins etc havnt changed a thing.

surly if it was a problem with my system (highly doubtful as I said system is used as a gaming machine as such I update drivers, defrag harddisc etc regulay to ensure best performence) then it would affect other games other then fm?
If other titles can save games and load them again without an issue then why does fm have such a problem with its save files? This is what makes me think its a fault with the game rather then the system.
I dont crash at all, the games fine until I go to load a save game then I just get the message `this save game cannot be loaded`

the game shows no signs of anything wrong while in play, it saves fine, exits fine and its only on trying to reload the save I have the issue, as for info im not using anything custom im playing the default game with default database and skins etc havnt changed a thing.

surly if it was a problem with my system (highly doubtful as I said system is used as a gaming machine as such I update drivers, defrag harddisc etc regulay to ensure best performence) then it would affect other games other then fm?
If other titles can save games and load them again without an issue then why does fm have such a problem with its save files? This is what makes me think its a fault with the game rather then the system.

Different games, different demands.

Your save game has corrupted, this is actually relatively rare, unless you have conflicts that occur while the game is saving. Like i said, if you are having repeated save game crashed, then somewhere you are having a conflict. I suggest defragging the game and verifying the game cache. Possibly even a clean reinstall. I would also ditch that save.
are you making sure the saves are being saved to the right place and you are not exiting before it has finished saving

(probably stupid questions but it is extremely rare anyone would have this many corrupted saves)
The correct process to ensure no corruption is:

Save and close FM
Close and exit steam
Wait for steam to sync and disappear from your taskbar/notification area bottom right
Shut down your computer

Shutting down before steam has finished syncing can cause issues, as can hibernating, sleeping, or shutting down your system with the game still running, even if you have saved the game file.
Ok well I know damm well its not my machine now, because its happened to me again......on a brand spankin new laptop(well about a week old) once again, fm save game, running fine, closed down propaly waited for steam to finish sync before shutting down and suddenly today out of the blue boom `this save game cannot be loaded`

this laptop is less then a week old with barely a thing else on it other then football manager, no issues at all just another save game lost and all that effort lost without an answer.

I give up I really do im done with football manager series until they can bother to sort out the bugs in there saved game system.
you're in the minority mate, it's not the game
you're in the minority mate, it's not the game

ok so what is it then? what are the chances this happens across 2 machines? one of them brand new, and I know other people have this issue because ive googled it, its a known issue, which makes me think why dont the manufacturers of the game admit it and put out a fix for it? unless the problem is so bad they cant actully fix it....but that would open them up to a heap of refunds wouldnt it for putting out a defective product I mean.
ok so what is it then? what are the chances this happens across 2 machines? one of them brand new, and I know other people have this issue because ive googled it, its a known issue, which makes me think why dont the manufacturers of the game admit it and put out a fix for it? unless the problem is so bad they cant actully fix it....but that would open them up to a heap of refunds wouldnt it for putting out a defective product I mean.
Unbelievably bad luck? I don't know, I don't know. But the fact that 99% of people have little/ no issues with the game means it's no the game that is wrong
Hi, I've never had an issue and been playing FM since day one with save games spanning over 30 + seasons. Now with the save game options that rotate save game files, use an incremental system of saving etc etc even if this is an issue for 1 in a 1000 there is an ingame solution. I was going to e-mail you directly "at [email protected]" but thought i would reply on here ;)