Social Services are Idiots

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Aspiring Sunday Leaguer
Jun 19, 2010
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As the title says. It's crazy that we have children dying under Social Services supervision yet social works seem more interested in persecuting hard working families with healthy happy kids.
1) thats not strictly true its a lot more complicated than that
2) you're going to have to elaborate
everyone makes mistakes its just a shame that in this job a childs life is at risk.
everyone makes mistakes its just a shame that in this job a childs life is at risk.
my mum works as a social worker, and she egts so angry about the amount of paperwork that ties them down. ive seen some of her paperwork, it is mental how much there is. she spends more time having to paperwork than actually being able to get out on a visit
my mum works as a social worker, and she egts so angry about the amount of paperwork that ties them down. ive seen some of her paperwork, it is mental how much there is. she spends more time having to paperwork than actually being able to get out on a visit

yer i think thats a b ig part of the problem everything is done to much by paperwork these days. even the police force most of that work is paper work.
My uncle is a social worker. The amount of time he spends on paperwork is ridiculous.

Please don't generalise as he works his **** off and has got many kids out of violent homes.
My uncle is a social worker. The amount of time he spends on paperwork is ridiculous.

Please don't generalise as he works his **** off and has got many kids out of violent homes.
this.this.this. i know exactly how your uncle feels because i have the same conversations with my mum, im obviously horribly biased, but ive seen her case notes and she has got so many kids and families out of desperate situations, its exceptional whats shes done.
What Provoked this quite stupid thread????

Someone you know been taken away from mummy or daddy, due to mummy or daddy being drug dealers or something.

Grow a pair and open your eyes
What Provoked this quite stupid thread????

Someone you know been taken away from mummy or daddy, due to mummy or daddy being drug dealers or something.

Grow a pair and open your eyes

There's no need for that comment, is there.
i suggest people watch that panarama (or was it dispatches?) episode about social workers. They are bound by so much red tape that they only get top spend the minimum amount of time with those who need it. Blame the government andlocal councils and not the social workers.
The drug dealer bit was quite unnecessary.


well thats probaly whats happen. kids get taken away from parents who are prosecutued Drug dealers. Thats such a bad thing? Does that make the Social Service who does this "idiots"
well thats probaly whats happen. kids get taken away from parents who are prosecutued Drug dealers. Thats such a bad thing? Does that make the Social Service who does this "idiots"

Not taking anything away from the possibility that that happens, it was just the way you worded it - i.e the 'mummy and daddy' bit. Just seemed a little petty, is all.
Not taking anything away from the possibility that that happens, it was just the way you worded it - i.e the 'mummy and daddy' bit. Just seemed a little petty, is all.

it was written is a **** take manner, due to this thread being petty. Clearly something has happened to a mate of his, or someone he knows, and he isnt happy. hence why he didnt really post a reason and hasnt posted for 1 week.
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