For those of you who don't know Special 1 TV (previously called 'I'm on setanta sports') first appeared at the beginning of December 2007 & has been a cult football comedy hit ever since. At first the show was a solo effort with The special one in the studio alone & taking calls from various other football faces & Managers (with the exception of a certain Dave from Newcastle). In due coarse Two more regulars were drafted in by Jose in the shape of Sven ("IT") & the boy Wayne (Rooney) This move bought a massive comical boost to the show & helped increase it's popularity. In autumn 08 a certain Mr Fabio Capello (cabbage man) came into the show as THE BOSS much to Jose's disgust. But he has seldom been seen since a certain election defeat to Jose.
[ame=""]S1TV returns[/ame]
[ame=""]S1TV returns[/ame]
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