Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
i am currently Leicester in the prem the season 2012/2013. i am in the uefa cup but i am doing very badly in the premiership, 15th. my squad harmony is poor how do i improve this???:(

any help would be great, thanks
team-talks are effective if you know to use it at improving morale for example -

-you just lost a game, dont say nasty team-talks like 'I am disappointed' tend to bring players confidence up for the next game and etc.

-tend to be more nicer when losing at away than home games tend to works nicely for me anyway.

-Also offer new contracts just dont go over the top ok ;)

hope these helps.

hope you survive on relegation
usually i dont tell poeple what i just told you but i live in leicester so ill do it for you.
Apparently my assistant manager says that my moral in the team could not be any higher. all of my teamtalks the feedback is "nothing specific noted"
hmm my asistant manager is always wrong i just dont listen to him.
i never let me assistant manager pick the team
here are some pics of my team, tactics and confidence
yh i know not fun when you let your asistant do everything. Leicester4Life can u tell me how to post pics like on the #8 post.
Instead of post quick reply go on advanced. then click the upload ur pics the symbol is the paperclip. then select wat picture u want.:D
when i click on the paperclip something called manage attachments comes up what do i do next?
u click browse, then u pick the picture u want after that then u click upload. then after that close that page. then u send the message