squad harmony ?


Nov 16, 2010
Reaction score
how do you increase squad harmony ? any tips because i think it is crucial for the game thanks
One way of keeping squad harmony on the increase, or at least stable, is to keep your team preparation on 'Teamwork' for the week leading up to a match, then if you want to change it, change it to 'Attacking Movement' or 'Defensive Positioning' a day before the match.

By using this strategy you are receiving the best of both worlds. 'Teamwork' works week in week out, where as other match preparation, such as 'Attacking Movement' gives a slight increase to your players attacking attributes during the up and coming match. Therefore you can keep team harmony and teamwork improving between matches, yet focus on specific areas that you feel are crucial for the up and coming opposition a day before a match.

Of course, winning games is vital for squad harmony. There is nothing like a 6-0 win against your rivals to boost morale.
I agree squad harmony is a vital part of success. Once your players are "willing to die for each other", nothing will stand in your way.
Not too many changes in the squad. Once you're happy with your squad, let it stay together for 2-3 years.
I think that having similar personalities and less language barriers could make a difference.
I'd guess that individual moral would have an affect as well.
I never train on teamwork to increase my squad harmony.

There are a few thing that helps to get a high squad harmony:
- winning or at least overachieving
- being honest to players and don't tell bullshit to players that are concerned.
- move older players that won't play to Reserves or better sell them.
- use squad rotation only with tired players or players that don't perform well.
- listen to them when they complain about training workload and lower the workload.
- simular personalities of the players. But I am not sure about the language. I always have a lot of languages but high morale and squad harmony.

The last thing that's important and difficult to influence is your reputation compared
to the club and player reputation. If your rep is to low the players are tending to
moan and decrease the squad harmony.
you mean by having similiar personality there will be more squad harmony ?
yh especially when you sign someone, if they have a similar personality to your squad then they will settle in quicker
and i know that different languages can have an affect on the pitch but not sure about off of it
Be consequent in your behaviour and keep your promises. Act like the kind Of Boss you would like to take orders from at the top level.
what you mean my friend ? there are other things mate ?

I cant explain it better than that. Keep promises, provide inspiration, tell people they have done a good job when they have, dont tell a pro that he has done a good job when its blatant to everyone that he has not. Just act like you would like to be coached ( in football, at work, by a parent etc). Just use common sense and make all team talks and press yourself.
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someon have hints about private chat with players ? any good one who knows how to raise morale players in private chat thanks :)
someon have hints about private chat with players ? any good one who knows how to raise morale players in private chat thanks :)

There are no easy solutions or answers. It depends om the situation. If he is performing poor due to low motivation and is complacent it would call for à different " chat" than if he lacks confidence. Just treat it like real life. Get to know the players personality, get to know his problem and then deal with it like you would do in real life.
i like to comment on private chat on recent form how do i judge if he has a decent form you think eg i should priase a plyer who has recent form 7-6.5-7-7-5.5 ? for example ? you understand my freind and another think which is the best tactic for you thanks my friend for your help
i like to comment on private chat on recent form how do i judge if he has a decent form you think eg i should priase a plyer who has recent form 7-6.5-7-7-5.5 ? for example ? you understand my freind and another think which is the best tactic for you thanks my friend for your help

You tell by his role( if bein a top team, your GK don't get high ratings anyway) misstakes, ratings and results. There are no straight answers