Stale Tactics?

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Aug 21, 2011
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Hey guy's I don't know about any of you but I am finding this years fm edition very frustrating!!!
how many of us have created a tactic that in theory should work, play beautiful football, create lots of chances with the players you have assembled etc?

How many of us have downloaded someone elses tactics after seeing their success storys and got played off the park?

I am sure I'm not alone in this, just recently I downloaded a wingback tactic (can't remember which one) started off well but faded quite quickly, I made some adjustments and this worked well for half a season then all of a sudden I struggled to win games? so I went back to basics and started again creating my own tactic and thought I had finally cracked it, I went on to win the league with my Newcastle team after being in 4th place and 7 pts behind Chelsea and was playing exactly how I wanted, pleased with my results I was going to upload them for others to try but thought I would try it over a whole season first, so far I won the comm shield against liverpool 3-1, drew with west ham 2-2, beat qpr 2-1, drew with liverpool 1-1, lost to man utd 2-0 and lost cl game at bayern munich 1-0, I know these results are not terrible but I can see the signs and how the team are playing is not the same as last season (not including comm shield), any ideas why this happens? surely you don't need to adjust you're tactics every season? once your players are used to playing a certain way surley that should stick (Barcelona, Ajax, Milan in real life).

Anyway, just wanted to hear from the community to see if this problem is widespread or just a few cases here and there, also if you have overcome such problems what did you change and why etc,

Many thanks,
I play the same way almost every game and just change things up during the game if its not working out...

Its slightly risky tho I have two tactics I play a Control 4231 and a Defensive/counter 4411 usually play the 4231 almost every game and the 4411 if Im a little bit worried about the other team... What usually happens is I destroy teams until I come across a team that makes things very difficult and I have to play more attacking more often than not I will have 5+ CCCs in this game but only manage to score once... After this, in one of the next three games I will go 2-0 down inside the first 10 minutes and find it extremely hard to get back into the match...
My game has result patterns but its not like I can plan for it I will concede twice in quick succession in one of those three games and it wont matter what formation I play... If I try defensive its like my team is sleeping for the first 15mins, then if I actually try and play my team will be shredded... Its funny and frustrating because I know whats going to happen and how... More often than not its two goals from the wings crosses from the byline to the back post...

Everyone seems to think its because teams know how to play against you if SI have said this I will believe it but it seems to me teams only change their style based on your reputation and during the match based on certain events... If teams really do focus on your weaknesses and play to combat your style then every single team would play 532,5311 or 541 because I have not bet a single team that has played a three man backline... IV come up against those formations or a variation of them 15+ times and a 4-4 draw is the best Iv managed...
I hve noticed a few of those things too, its almost like you can predict when the cpu is going to score, they get to the byline and cross to the backpost and your defence basically might as well be at the other end of the pitch, hopefully they will release a patch that will eliminate some of these problems but until then the tactical search for perfection continues :(
Usually I have a few tactics uploaded on this site by now but so far I've come up with nothing that will consistently do well. Come across a promising 4411 though. It's strong at almost everything. Just a few issues to iron out, including my AMC. Works brilliantly with Man Utd, just beat Arsenal 5-1. Hoping it stands the test through the whole season though. Tweaking as I go along.
Try this if you have the right players for it

GK - Goalkeeper role.
DC - Center Defender role.
DC- Center Defender role.
DC- Center Defender role.
WBR - Set to attack, should have high stamina, team work, and work rate.
WBL - Set to attack, should have high stamina, team work, and work rate.
CMR - Set role as Deep Lying Playmaker, and set to defend.
CMC - Play as a simple CM role, and set to support.
CML - Set role to Ball Winning Midfielder, set to defend.
AMC - Role Advanced Playmaker, set to attack.
STC - Role Complete Forward, or Advanced Forward. Set to Attack.

Team Tactics.

Use a control style of play, with short passing, and deep defensive line.

I reccommend trying this. It hasn't failed me once this game.
I'm suffering from the same problem I do have a few tactics i use depending on the opposition but every six months or so i need to change formation, I am in my second season and playing is starting to feel like pulling teeth, In CL games I'm having no problems but in the PL teams I hammered last season are eating me alive.
Thanks FootballManagerG0D I will try this, I have just started again with Bayern munich and created yet another tactic that "should" work, I am glad I am not the only one having these difficulties though (was starting to doubt myself lol), the problem is a manger should be able to create a philosophy and style of play regardless of player ability's eg Swansea, play great football, but their players are obviously not good enough to win the league but the style of play should be there, if you then bring better players you should see improvements and the same thing applies to top teams if you were to use the same tactics/philosophy/style with a team full of world class players this should automatically incorporate a league and european dominating team, nobody wants an easy game where you win every game and smash all the top teams around you but at least see your team play how you are instructing them too and not crash and burn for no reason, good luck fellow managers and keep me updated with your problems and advice :)