stars/talents don't don't get transfer listed


Oct 30, 2014
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Sorry if similiar tread already exists. As title says i feel like not enough players get transfer listed and when they do their quality isn't high ( best player i have seen transfer listead was Loic Remy both ability and potential wise) . There are like 60 unhappy players on my shortlist at every moment for last 3 years yet nothing happens. Also the number of big transfers is unusually low unless i am the seller/buyer
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How many clubs in real life put they're stars on the transfer list?
How many clubs in real life put they're stars on the transfer list?
Quite a lot actually- Ozil, Di Maria, Sanchez, Welbeck , Fabregas just to name a few cases. The problem is that the best player transfer listed after 3 years in my Arsenal save was Loic Remy , who was rotation player at chelsea. And since I ( player) get the i want to go to bigger club BS ( yeah Gabriel Barbossa moving to Man Utd who finished 2nd are a better team than Arsenal [me] who won BPL and CL) and the only thing that keeps them at line is promising them that if the bid comes i will accept and AI has some cheeky way to go around that
Quite a lot actually- Ozil, Di Maria, Sanchez, Welbeck , Fabregas just to name a few cases. The problem is that the best player transfer listed after 3 years in my Arsenal save was Loic Remy , who was rotation player at chelsea. And since I ( player) get the i want to go to bigger club BS ( yeah Gabriel Barbossa moving to Man Utd who finished 2nd are a better team than Arsenal [me] who won BPL and CL) and the only thing that keeps them at line is promising them that if the bid comes i will accept and AI has some cheeky way to go around that

Not one of those players were transfer listed. They were unhappy, the club decided to sell them, and other clubs came in with suitable offers. Similar things happen in FM - player is unhappy, it's purely the club's choice whether or not to sell him.
They were unhappy, the club decided to sell them,
Thats pretty much definition of transfer listed. I am NOT saying i want Gotze for 10 mil. What i am saying is that unhappy players should get transfer listed so it would actually be POSSIBLE to buy them at their value. The situation in the game right now just pushes you to get young talents, instead of big transfers. FM14 was perfect with this , not much happening happines wise ( thats actually better at FM15 [ revolts, demands]) but sometimes you could get Goetze-level players for what i call must buy pruce ( value>accepted bid)
Not one of those players were transfer listed. They were unhappy, the club decided to sell them, and other clubs came in with suitable offers. Similar things happen in FM - player is unhappy, it's purely the club's choice whether or not to sell him.

I dont even think that many of those named were unhappy, just the club said they'd listen to offers, before the players decided, 'well screw it might as well move then'.
Thats pretty much definition of transfer listed. I am NOT saying i want Gotze for 10 mil. What i am saying is that unhappy players should get transfer listed so it would actually be POSSIBLE to buy them at their value. The situation in the game right now just pushes you to get young talents, instead of big transfers. FM14 was perfect with this , not much happening happines wise ( thats actually better at FM15 [ revolts, demands]) but sometimes you could get Goetze-level players for what i call must buy pruce ( value>accepted bid)

Thats not the def of transfer listed. It maybe not be a physical list but the difference is a club telling other clubs that a player is available/ no longer wanted as opposed to a player under contract trying to leave. Just because a player is unhappy doesn't mean they have to be transfer listed. The biggest difference in the two is that if a club "transfer lists" a player they still have to pay any outstanding loyalty bonus due where as if a player demands a move they lose that money. This is why most players who are unhappy IRL still don't demand a to be transfer listed. Hope this clears it up.
Thats not the def of transfer listed. It maybe not be a physical list but the difference is a club telling other clubs that a player is available/ no longer wanted as opposed to a player under contract trying to leave. Just because a player is unhappy doesn't mean they have to be transfer listed. The biggest difference in the two is that if a club "transfer lists" a player they still have to pay any outstanding loyalty bonus due where as if a player demands a move they lose that money. This is why most players who are unhappy IRL still don't demand a to be transfer listed. Hope this clears it up.
I understand what you're saying. But that still doesn't tell why it's impossible to buy any better players for a fee close to their value. All those transfers i mentioned that happened in real life ( fabre, ozil ,sanchez), the players were sold ( the reason doesn't matter, what matters is that it happens) for or under their value, which just can't happen with players that are high quality
I understand what you're saying. But that still doesn't tell why it's impossible to buy any better players for a fee close to their value. All those transfers i mentioned that happened in real life ( fabre, ozil ,sanchez), the players were sold ( the reason doesn't matter, what matters is that it happens) for or under their value, which just can't happen with players that are high quality
i gotta second this ozil started a revolt when i wanted to sign him start of 2nd season but no matter how much unsettling and unhappiness arsenal was asking for ridiculous amounts of money went in for hamsik for £38m who was happy at his team and cheaper then ozil who was unhappy
I understand what you're saying. But that still doesn't tell why it's impossible to buy any better players for a fee close to their value. All those transfers i mentioned that happened in real life ( fabre, ozil ,sanchez), the players were sold ( the reason doesn't matter, what matters is that it happens) for or under their value, which just can't happen with players that are high quality

A players value is only determined by what a club is willing to sell for or release clause IRL. there is nothing to say that x player is worth x amount.
A players value is only determined by what a club is willing to sell for or release clause IRL. there is nothing to say that x player is worth x amount.
God dammit. When none of 300 top players in the world gets tranfer listed after 3 years in the save and the clubs won't even accept 200% bid for unhappy player then there is something wrong. If a player is happy and important player for the club your statement works, other it doesn't
A players value is only determined by what a club is willing to sell for or release clause IRL. there is nothing to say that x player is worth x amount.

God dammit. When none of 300 top players in the world gets tranfer listed after 3 years in the save and the clubs won't even accept 200% bid for unhappy player then there is something wrong. If a player is happy and important player for the club your statement works, other it doesn't

I have to agree with Pepassi.

Player X does not get a value set by want the demand of others say, but by a complex system to turn that player X an active in the balance sheet of a company (this case club).

If that active tend to depreciate in value because of some reason (age, for example), the company/club will try to replace it for another active that is or could turn into a start player.

Now, concerning want you say, release clauses don't show the true value of a player. many clubs use them to protect themselves and force clubs to negotiate with them, even for inferior values. I saw that some english newspapers made a story about Nakata, a Japanese players that came to Portugal and it had set a Release of 60 Mill. They stated that the player is not worth it.

lets say that they where right and the release clause should be the value that Sporting payed for him, something like 1 Mill €.
Again, in theory, the guy starts playing and scores 22 goals in the 1st 15 matches, a prodigy!

Sporting would be completely stupid to let a player like that to go for that price, but ofc they are not going to ask for 60 Mill.

This is why release clauses don't show the true value of a player.

Now, lets say that Messi was unhappy because he couldn't go to real Madrid. He asks the board to let him go and they say no, leaving a frustrated player in the squad. I accept that he understands that its not simple to let a player go just because and he stays, but after 3 season, 100 goals and still nothing, he gets frustated as **** for not going into theg club and here is where SI is failing! At this point, the club, IRL would let him go and get the money.