Starting a FM YouTube save?


May 28, 2020
Reaction score
Hi guys,

I have been on the forums before a long time ago and have been reading through a lot.

This is going to be my first attempt at a YouTube save and talking through this on the mic.

Does anyone have any tips for the editing, equipment or the general filming.

Please have a look at my first attempt and if you can leave comment here on how to improve!

Going to try and also become more active on the forums from now on!
I've never made a video so unfortunately I can't comment on tips etc. I can only offer suggestions based on watching other FM YT videos.

It was a good first video.

My suggestion would be to keep up with skipping forward past dates that nothing happens on (meaning you've highlighted key things rather than talk about everything).

Also another suggestion which will come naturally is just minimizing the silence, even if its just telling the viewer what you're trying to do while your doing things (like talking out loud).

Hopefully that helps.
Thanks mate,

Yeah the pausing I am going to learn to edit I think and do like a 5 games round up with 1 live games every few days I think!

I am currently learning how to edit the videos which is taking a while but hopefully will work out - any tips for that?

Thanks for the advice and hopefully in future videos will improve :)