Wrong subforum, and without any information no one can help you anyway. Try the SI forums, but you won't get any help there either if your post is like this.
lol because sum1 will reply in here quicker haha it just crashed on me saying steam client bootstrapper error and closed fm down the steam client did i dont know what other info i can give lol
Well, here's what I do when Steam (or any other application) crashes:

1. Try doing the same thing again. If it doesn't crash again, it was probably a one-off.

2. If the problem persists, google it.

If you can find forum posts where people offer fixes, and it has positive responses, it might be worth giving it a shot. I found several of these simply by googling "steam bootstrapper error".

Here, I'll even throw in a freebie for you: "If you right click on steam.exe and hit troubleshoot compatibility, then use whatever recommended settings it has, it should work for you."
issue fixed lol its that stupid music player i loaded my music libary into that as it takes less ram then wmp didnt quite work out as i have a super size music libary being a dj lool